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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Planning Board Minutes-November


The regular meeting of the Lindley Town Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary Lentzen. Members present included Manley Davis, Gerry Gross and Mark Swan. The CEO, David Fuller, and 5 visitors were also present.

Minutes of the October meeting were read. A Motion to accept the Minutes as read was made by Manley, seconded by Gerry and unanimously passed.

Katie Peterson stated she applied for a CUP November 7 for her property on River Road (Tax #406.00-01-021.000) to place a singlewide mobile home and has heard nothing further. She is anxious to move on this project before winter sets in. Dave understood Diana Hill gave the paperwork to Eugene Terwilliger of the ZBA, but Dave has not seen the CUP.

Mary also has not seen the CUP; will contact Diana and asked the Board to meet again December 12 for a Public Hearing on Katie's request. A Public Hearing must be announced in the newspaper five days in advance of the Hearing.

Harley Reynolds asked the Board to amend a previously approved Minor Subdivision at 10359A Church Creek Road. Because of the location of a septic system that was installed ten years ago he had to move a lot line to comply with the 2 acre requirement. The two parcels are 2.011 and 6.062 acres split from a 40-acre parcel. Mary signed the updated map with lot line changes.

Fortuna Energy owns 10 acres on Ryers Creek Road and needs to add a gas compresser to boost flow in their pipe line. The noise level would be 55 decibels or less at the lot line; State requires 40 maximum to the nearest residence; Fortuna needs a Variance.

Mary learned from Janet Miller that Mr. Haubaker who recently purchased the Joe Young property wants to build an asphalt plant. Mary stated he will need a CUP.

A new Fee schedule for the Town of Lindley was adopted in November and becomes effective when Dee sends it in. Dave will make the forms. Gerry asked how the fee schedule will be enforced? And stated there should be a system of checks and balances. Jake stated that a paper trail is needed for whatever is done by any of the Town Boards for public information.

Dave stated currently there are no fees just the inspections required by NY State. He suggested all fees must be paid up front. He will add the inspections to his monthly report.

Mark noted that the Permits issued in the Town of Corning and posted at the construction site include a list of all the necessary inspections with the fee required for each and a place for the CEO to initial as each one is completed.

Mary noted that Jennifer Fais will attend the December meeting of the Planning Board to check on projects for 2006.

Gerry made a Motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m.; Manley seconded; the Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Janice Oberlander
Recording Clerk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder how well planning board will enforce the new zoning laws of 2 acres-no single wide homes?
Might as well not have any if they don't follow their own rules.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was not under the impression that the re-drafted Zoning Laws included the abolishment of the Zoning Board of Appeals whereby every citizen has the right to "appeal" (request relief, practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships)in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the Zoning Law. If I am mistaken, could "anonymous" quote me the new law stating that a citizen cannot erect a single wide home on any lot LESS THAN TWO ACRES. If this is the case, then the Zoning Board of Appeals must be abolished.

3:31 PM  

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