Link Red-StaterWisdoms

Red-StaterWisdoms explores the differences between the Red and Blue states on social, personal and political issues.

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Location: New York

Monday, November 14, 2005

Open Thread

I'm having blog communication withdrawals. Did anyone receive a pre-recorded phone call today that blasted Randy Kuhl over supporting the "big oil companies"?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we received a call,too. Felt it was in poor taste.Too soon to start an election campaign for next year. We don't like that kind of calls-no way to respond.
Randy Kuhl deserves a lot of credit for obtaining funds to finish I 99 or to us Rt. 15.

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should we be allowed to say "merry xmas" in Walmart?

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes merry xmas in wallmart in our school in our town hall anywhere we decide to.This is our country and our beliefs and customs should come before being concerned with offending another culture. We would expect to honor others customs if we chose to live in there country.

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think all who disagree with major chain stores banning the use of the word "Merry Christmas", should stop buying "Christmas presents". Suits me just fine. Christmas sales consitute 50% of all retail stores business for the year. We ought to hit them where it hurts. At the check out line. Don't be there. Make your own gifts.

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to say I didn't receive the call. God knows I would have given the rogues a piece of my mind! I am sick and tired of all the negative garbage that is our political system. I vow to never vote for a candidate who uses inuendos and insinuations, instead of facts, as a campaign platform and would highly recommend the same to everyone else. I, for one, want representatives with insight, ideas and a willingness to listen to their constitiuents and act accordingly.

Randy Kuhl has done a tremendous job representing us so far, and I expect he will continue on that path. Obviously, he is ticking off some folks in Washington because he isn't going along with the good ole boy mentality there. He needs and deserves our support, so he can continue to do good things for us all.

1:43 PM  

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