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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Planning Board Minutes-December


The regular meeting of the Lindley Town Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary Lentzen. Members present included, Gerry Gross, Jason Ballard, Jim White and Earl Titus. The CEO, Dave Fuller, and six visitors were also present.

Minutes of the November 21 meeting were read. A Motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Earl, seconded by Jason and carried unanimously.

Minutes of the December 12 Public Hearing were read. A Motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Jim, seconded by Gerry and passed unanimously.

Mary noted that Jennifer Fais could not attend tonights meeting but will attend the meeting in January.

As requested at the Dec. 12, 2005 Public Hearing on the property at 485 River Road, the Board researched minutes and related documents concerning its history. In 1985 Bickley Van Duyne applied for a variance to allow placement of a mobile home which was denied. In 1996 Dan Larrison applied for a CUP to build a one story A-frame dwelling. After much study and discussion the CUP was approved but the dwelling was never built. The issues brought up in 1985 and 1996 have been addressed.

Mary also addressed each concern raised at the December 12 Public Hearing (see attached report).

Mary asked for further comments. Gerry asked Dave when he was going to measure the property?
Dave said he did not measure with a tape but did pace it off and stated the property is OK for a single wide.

The Board agreed they heard nothing in the discussions to cause them to deny the CUP request.
A Motion to approve the CUP request to place a single-wide mobile home at 485 River Road was made by Jim, seconded by Jason. The Motion carried unanimously. An Environmental Impact statement was also filed.

The CEO noted he had received notice from Allen Engineering that their charge for Perc tests will increase January 1 from the current $300 fee to $400. They also have asked that the CEO do the final inspections and give his report to the Engineering firm. If they do the final inspection, they will charge an additional $300. The Town inspection fee is $25. Dave noted residents can use any engineering firm they desire.

Earl moved to adjourn at 7:20 p.m., Gerry seconded. The Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Janice Oberlander
Recording Clerk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the CEO stated he "did pace it off and it is okay for a single wide" (instead of using a tape measure to be sure.) And the Planning Board did accept his methods. This should really impress future Planning Boards if another contraversy over this property ever comes up. No wonder people have no respect for the zoning laws in this town.

6:22 PM  

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