Veteran's Project-Option #1
From Haughey Funeral Home First St. Corning
OPTION #1 Granite base (Barre) -$250
Granite marker 450 (No etching-church)
foundation $210
$440 ( Etching )__________$ 1350
Closeup picture shows etching of #1 (Would be $400 less without this)
These are Mr. Haughey's prices and the cleaning of our plaque would be done without charge by a volunteer.
( We saw an example-plaque after it was cleaned and looked like a new one.)These markers are on display in parking lot of Haughey Funeral Home.
Paul Mortzheim has offered to do the "footer" ( reducing above costs by $85.00)
I think the one with the church.It would look much nicer and its not like the town has to make this investment every day.Whats a few extra dollars from us when many of them gave so much to allow us the freedom to be able to debate this memorial and many other privileges we enjoy every day.A little show of support for our veterans by opting for the better monument would be a nice gesture by the town.
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