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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Landfill Data

Landfill Data
Originally uploaded by Sally Ann.

Hi Sally- Electric power restored after 28 hours (yesterday). Wow -not since June 1972 have we been so long without power.
Saw the photos of applicances on your blog which reminded me that Steuben County has a recycling program and Amnesty Days. This Sat. At Bath Landfill 9-12 they are accepting electronics(microwaves, VCR's ,computers , printers -whole nine yards.) Am sending an attachment of a notice from Public Works-Steuben Co Mar.05- our tax dollars at work. Maybe time to refresh people's memories or spread the word in case people don't read the notices sent out..
It includes a telephone number to call. On Sept.17th, there is a day for Farm Hazardous Waste. Time to spread the word around and to remind Lindleyites -the Gang Mills Transfer station is for our use,also..

Kitty Pierce

Click on headline to read Landfill/recycling data.

Thanks Kitty.


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