Town Board Meeting-October
Board Members Present: Harold Semple - Town Supervisor
Paul Stermer – Councilman
Gerry Simcoe – Councilman
Paul Mortzheim – Councilman
Jake Gross – Councilman
Dick Johnson – Highway Supt.
David Fuller- Code Enforcement
Diana L. Hill - Lindley Town Clerk
Attached Attendance List
It was brought to Harold’s attention that he doesn’t let the Town Board speak during the monthly meetings.
Paul Mortzheim-never felt they were not allowed to speak.
Paul S-yes, Jake-yes, Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes CARRIED
A Motion to accept the Minutes (With Corrections) from the (Zoning Law Review) Public Hearing on September 27, 2005.
Paul S-yes, Jake-yes, Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes CARRIED
*Mary Lentzen: Jennifer Fias made some changes to the Zoning Review. The committee will meet again, and work on the changes. Will have another Public Hearing, on the new corrections, on November 1st, 2005 at 7:00pm at Lindley Town Hall.
Will have the corrections ready for the Town Clerk’s office, so public can review.
Bill Canfield: ask the Town Board to endorse the Resolution for the Transportation Bond Act 2005. This will be voted on, in the November 8th, 2005 election. With this Transportation Bond Act Passed, the I-99 (Route 15) will complete in a timely manner.
One correction to the Resolution:
Whereas: the Town of Lindley will benefit from the separation of local traffic from Interstate traffic, will provide safety and reduce fatalities, improved health and welfare of the Town of Lindley Residents.
(Copy of resolution on file in clerk’s office).
Motion to accept the Resolution: (Transportation Bond Act 2005)
Jake-yes, Paul S-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M-No CARRIED
Sheriff Deputy Swan: Stopped by to check with the Town Board on concerns.
Jake Gross: Does the County Patrol, Tannery Crk. (yes) the County patrols River Rd. & Tannery Crk.
Dick Johnson: asked if they can control the speed on the dirt roads in Lindley? They are trying.
Dick Pierce: asked about County Route 116, can he report that there are safety issues in that road. (Yes they can report that to the county, and they do report problem spots)
It is noted that a monthly report was received from the Town Supervisor, & Town Clerk & Highway Dept. & Code Enforcement for the month of September 2005, they are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.
Dave Fuller-Code Enforcement Officer: September was a slow month for permits.
Mickey Heffner is cleaning up, still have to deal with the house on the Lindley Side.
Gerry Simcoe-asked about the three junk cars behind the house.
Paul Mortzheim: asked Dave concerning 911 signs & posting them.
Dave can issue tickets to people if the signs are not posted on the property, or on the houses.
He is working with people on this matter.
Gerry Gross: Asked Dick if he had an computer at the Town Shed’s
Dick said yes, but it doesn’t work at all.
Kitty Pierce-Town Historian: Are wind mills in the new Zoning Review Laws? They are coming to the area.
Harold: Dick received the amount for Chips ($70,500.00)
Dick received a check to the Highway Dept. from The Mill, in the amount $100.00. Dick checked into this matter. Must take the check back to Lorraine (the Mill). The new check will be made out to Dick Johnson, for the Shop Fund. She wanted to give the money, to the Highway Shop Fund.
Dick Johnson-Highway Supt: Howard Mcfall needs his CDL to work for the Town, which is in the Union Contract, he has his CDL permit, the road test date is Nov 8th, Could Howie start now?
Jake Gross- is there work to do, for Howie?
Gerry Simcoe: Must follow what the Union Contract says.
Harold: Dick must talk to Kent and have Kent call the Union Rep. John Fairwell
Dick call the License Bureau and explain, you need a closer date, for the road test.
Jake Gross: presented money spent on the Pole Building as of 10/11/2005. (Attached to minutes)
Jake asked about completing the cold patch pad in front of the new building.
Paul M-ok to the pad
Paul S-ok to complete the pad
Motion to authorize Jake Gross to go ahead and complete the pad with cold patch.
Motioned by: Paul Mortzhiem 2nd by: Paul Stermer
Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes, Jake-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Need price for Door Closers-for the regular doors on the new building
Motion to authorize Jake Gross to purchase the Door Closers
Motioned by: Paul Stermer 2nd by: Paul Mortzheim
Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes, Jake-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Paul Mortzheim: would like everyone to know Jake Gross is under budget at this point, with the Storage building project.
Harold: would like to Thank Jake Gross for overseeing the project of the Pole Storage Building & the Salt Building. He is doing a great job.
Jake Gross: I don’t want to accept all the credit, as this project was already in the plans, when I started on this project.
Jake Gross: the new 911 address for the new building is 1313 River Road.
Jake Gross: also asked to have a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony- will ask Sally Orr to cover the story, and contact the Leader. The schedule for the Ribbon Cutting is Wed. October 26th, 2005 at 1:15pm.
Tearing down the old building: must leave a cover over the Gas Pumps, (which will be the only part left of the building.)
Gerry Simcoe: the main shop Roof-is there a problem with it?
Dick we will get some screws to fix the roof and also tar over the holes.
*Need to get the place cleaned up around the shop and the old shop.
Jake asked about having Mark Swan do the electric work on the Pole Building:
A Motion to have Mark Swan, to install the electric to the Pole barn, we purchase the material, or him purchase the material, as long as the cost does not exceed $4999.00.
Motioned By: Paul Mortzheim 2nd by Paul Stermer
Jake-yes, Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Motion to pay Bills:
General: Abstract # 10 276-333 $51,057.45 Highway: Abstract# 10 141-160 $35,885.44
Motioned by: Jake Gross 2nd by Paul Mortzheim
Jake-yes, Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Budget workshop scheduled for Tuesday October 18th, 7:00pm
Audit the Town Justice’s books at next’s month meeting.
Next Town Board meeting is scheduled for November 15th, 2005 at 7:00pm (as November 8th is election night).
Harold recommended that Dick buy nothing for the new building, until the new building is finish, so things aren’t bought in double.
Expected opening on the planning board:
Put ad in the leader and Addison Post: for the position on the Planning Board.
Motion for Adjournment
Motioned by: Paul S 2nd by Paul M
Gerry-yes, Paul M-yes, Jake-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Diana L. Hill
Lindley Town Clerk
Board Members Present: Harold Semple - Town Supervisor
Paul Stermer – Councilman
Gerry Simcoe – Councilman
Paul Mortzheim – Councilman
Jake Gross – Councilman
Dick Johnson – Highway Supt.
David Fuller- Code Enforcement
Diana L. Hill - Lindley Town Clerk
Attached Attendance List
It was brought to Harold’s attention that he doesn’t let the Town Board speak during the monthly meetings.
Paul Mortzheim-never felt they were not allowed to speak.
Paul S-yes, Jake-yes, Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes CARRIED
A Motion to accept the Minutes (With Corrections) from the (Zoning Law Review) Public Hearing on September 27, 2005.
Paul S-yes, Jake-yes, Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes CARRIED
*Mary Lentzen: Jennifer Fias made some changes to the Zoning Review. The committee will meet again, and work on the changes. Will have another Public Hearing, on the new corrections, on November 1st, 2005 at 7:00pm at Lindley Town Hall.
Will have the corrections ready for the Town Clerk’s office, so public can review.
Bill Canfield: ask the Town Board to endorse the Resolution for the Transportation Bond Act 2005. This will be voted on, in the November 8th, 2005 election. With this Transportation Bond Act Passed, the I-99 (Route 15) will complete in a timely manner.
One correction to the Resolution:
Whereas: the Town of Lindley will benefit from the separation of local traffic from Interstate traffic, will provide safety and reduce fatalities, improved health and welfare of the Town of Lindley Residents.
(Copy of resolution on file in clerk’s office).
Motion to accept the Resolution: (Transportation Bond Act 2005)
Jake-yes, Paul S-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M-No CARRIED
Sheriff Deputy Swan: Stopped by to check with the Town Board on concerns.
Jake Gross: Does the County Patrol, Tannery Crk. (yes) the County patrols River Rd. & Tannery Crk.
Dick Johnson: asked if they can control the speed on the dirt roads in Lindley? They are trying.
Dick Pierce: asked about County Route 116, can he report that there are safety issues in that road. (Yes they can report that to the county, and they do report problem spots)
It is noted that a monthly report was received from the Town Supervisor, & Town Clerk & Highway Dept. & Code Enforcement for the month of September 2005, they are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.
Dave Fuller-Code Enforcement Officer: September was a slow month for permits.
Mickey Heffner is cleaning up, still have to deal with the house on the Lindley Side.
Gerry Simcoe-asked about the three junk cars behind the house.
Paul Mortzheim: asked Dave concerning 911 signs & posting them.
Dave can issue tickets to people if the signs are not posted on the property, or on the houses.
He is working with people on this matter.
Gerry Gross: Asked Dick if he had an computer at the Town Shed’s
Dick said yes, but it doesn’t work at all.
Kitty Pierce-Town Historian: Are wind mills in the new Zoning Review Laws? They are coming to the area.
Harold: Dick received the amount for Chips ($70,500.00)
Dick received a check to the Highway Dept. from The Mill, in the amount $100.00. Dick checked into this matter. Must take the check back to Lorraine (the Mill). The new check will be made out to Dick Johnson, for the Shop Fund. She wanted to give the money, to the Highway Shop Fund.
Dick Johnson-Highway Supt: Howard Mcfall needs his CDL to work for the Town, which is in the Union Contract, he has his CDL permit, the road test date is Nov 8th, Could Howie start now?
Jake Gross- is there work to do, for Howie?
Gerry Simcoe: Must follow what the Union Contract says.
Harold: Dick must talk to Kent and have Kent call the Union Rep. John Fairwell
Dick call the License Bureau and explain, you need a closer date, for the road test.
Jake Gross: presented money spent on the Pole Building as of 10/11/2005. (Attached to minutes)
Jake asked about completing the cold patch pad in front of the new building.
Paul M-ok to the pad
Paul S-ok to complete the pad
Motion to authorize Jake Gross to go ahead and complete the pad with cold patch.
Motioned by: Paul Mortzhiem 2nd by: Paul Stermer
Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes, Jake-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Need price for Door Closers-for the regular doors on the new building
Motion to authorize Jake Gross to purchase the Door Closers
Motioned by: Paul Stermer 2nd by: Paul Mortzheim
Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes, Jake-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Paul Mortzheim: would like everyone to know Jake Gross is under budget at this point, with the Storage building project.
Harold: would like to Thank Jake Gross for overseeing the project of the Pole Storage Building & the Salt Building. He is doing a great job.
Jake Gross: I don’t want to accept all the credit, as this project was already in the plans, when I started on this project.
Jake Gross: the new 911 address for the new building is 1313 River Road.
Jake Gross: also asked to have a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony- will ask Sally Orr to cover the story, and contact the Leader. The schedule for the Ribbon Cutting is Wed. October 26th, 2005 at 1:15pm.
Tearing down the old building: must leave a cover over the Gas Pumps, (which will be the only part left of the building.)
Gerry Simcoe: the main shop Roof-is there a problem with it?
Dick we will get some screws to fix the roof and also tar over the holes.
*Need to get the place cleaned up around the shop and the old shop.
Jake asked about having Mark Swan do the electric work on the Pole Building:
A Motion to have Mark Swan, to install the electric to the Pole barn, we purchase the material, or him purchase the material, as long as the cost does not exceed $4999.00.
Motioned By: Paul Mortzheim 2nd by Paul Stermer
Jake-yes, Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Motion to pay Bills:
General: Abstract # 10 276-333 $51,057.45 Highway: Abstract# 10 141-160 $35,885.44
Motioned by: Jake Gross 2nd by Paul Mortzheim
Jake-yes, Paul M-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Budget workshop scheduled for Tuesday October 18th, 7:00pm
Audit the Town Justice’s books at next’s month meeting.
Next Town Board meeting is scheduled for November 15th, 2005 at 7:00pm (as November 8th is election night).
Harold recommended that Dick buy nothing for the new building, until the new building is finish, so things aren’t bought in double.
Expected opening on the planning board:
Put ad in the leader and Addison Post: for the position on the Planning Board.
Motion for Adjournment
Motioned by: Paul S 2nd by Paul M
Gerry-yes, Paul M-yes, Jake-yes, Paul S-yes CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Diana L. Hill
Lindley Town Clerk
Something is puzzling me and my buddies. How come the new town building for the highway department was in charge of a counilman? isn't that the guy in charge of the highway department job?
It's election year in case you hadn't noticed; so make sure voters are aware of your presence and be sure to toot your own horn.
I do not think Jake is tooting his own horn. Jake has a long history in building construction i know because i have worked at houses he worked on and may i say he was the main man to see on these projects if i had any questions.What is wrong with the town board using board members talents when needed?I bet the highway project jake ram rodded went a lot smoother and a lot cheaper than if dick had to do the job.I say thanks Jake and it is nice to see a town board member go the extra mile for the town tax payers.No i am not a board member or family member of jake just a citizen of lindley.
yep, seems to me Sally has done a mighty fine job of tooting her horn. The councilman in question hasn't tooted his horn, he didn't have to, others noticed the fine job done and did it for him. The job required someone with knowledge for building and Dick didn't have that kind of knowledge so he had a little help. If you have a problem with someone helping Dick and the town then you have a big problem in your own head.
Oh my god, what narrow minded, mean spirited people live in Lindley! Can you imagine what it would have cost to have hired someone to oversee the new buildings project. Here you have a person who DONATED his time and expertise and someone is calling it tooting your horn because it is an election year. If you are so envious of this councilman's accomplishments why didn't you get off your duff and volunteer? Whenever someone does something good for the town there is always someone out there who finds fault. Then it is so easy to criticise without any basis for it. If more would lend a hand things wouldn't have to be left up to the same few individulas all the time. The individual who donated many hours to this project both on site and going after materials, finding the less expensive materials, getting the state requirements fulfilled and bringing the projerct in under cost should be appaluded. If this is how things will be run under Ms. Orr's realm we had better hope she doesn't get elected. It seems it must be her supporters who are kicking up the mud since there hasn't been any mud slung before this election. How did you expect Mr. Johnson to supervise the road crew and a construction crew? Oh, and after all the hullabalu over hiring another man, Mr. Johnson still doesn't have a qualified person on the job. He has to wait for him to get his CDL! And everyone was blaming the town board for a lack of manpower. Shame on you.
Cj I hope sally gets elected bcause she is modern thinking and will use the talents of the people around her to the towns best interest.You sound like you are against her. I also know Howie and i think Dick made a wise choice. Howie will make a good town employee he just needs a little help getting his cdl. as i needed help from my company getting my case you do not know a cdl is not like a car you have to take your road test on the trucks you will be driving most people do not have access to this large equiptment without the help of a employer who has the equiptment.I see no blame here on dicks part or the town boards part looks like to me they both are cultavating a new very good employee the way it should be.
CJ- talk about mean spirited, who are you to talk about our town the way you do!! Or who are you related too?? Which Town Board member (Jake?). Do you ever say anything nice about anybody?
CJ- I am a sally supporter and I will be the first to say what a good job Jake did overseeing the new building project!He has donated more hours of his time to this project then i could keep track of.And he has made sure the tax payers got there moneys worth with every stage of this project.As for not a new employee yet.Getting the insurance problem resolved made it possible to have a good prospect like Howie show interest in the position.So you see I support Sally but I dont want to sling mud. I give credit were it is due.Good job Jake!
To the mean spirited anonymous, sorry to burst your bubble but I am not related to anyone. I just see what is going on and how you are trying to defame a town board member who has done much in a short time. I can say a lot of good things about people in town but you don't want to hear it. You want to have your own slanted, narrow viewpoint and that is all. Well bud here goes, Harold Semple may not have a bedside manner but he has gotten the job done quite well over the years and with little help from sleepyeyed board members of the past. Finally there is a working board and apparently folks still aren't satisfied. The supervisor does not control the planning board. They are a group of trained professionals, training is a must to be on the planning board, who do their best to follow the regulations and can only hope that enforcement will follow. The highway superintendent is a fine fellow, he doesn't have much techinal knowledge so he does the best he can with the knowledge he has. There is always room for improvement when working with public funds. The fire department is a group of dedicated folks, you have to be dedicated to keep up with all the requirements for training and the hours involved. Then there are the other volunteers in town like scout leaders, ball coaches and 4-H. There is much misinformation being fed to folks right now in the name of politics and I am not a politician. I hate politics. This is why I hate politics, it is nasty and dirty. I will always defend the truth and folks who are trying to make a real difference. Lets look at the other board members and what they too have accomplished.
Wow! It is clear that personalities play a huge role in town business. There is nothing wrong with anyone assisting with town projects as long as we haven't violated any operational rules - granting contracts without bids, etc.
From everything I have heard, Jake did a great job and we should all thank him for his efforts. Negativity will solve none of the issues we are now and will be facing in the future, it will only hinder the process.
Sal started this blog so that we can share ideas, concerns and information, so that everyone can be better informed and make decisions that are based in fact, not gossip or ill feelings. If some of you feel that Sally was tooting her own horn by stating her position, which is what we have asked her to do since she is running for office, then so be it. Let's all try to make our comments in the spirit of sharing, instead of fighting personal feuds. You would be amazed how much gets accomplished that way!
How come I came out on the short end of the stick on the issue of Jake helping out at the town shed?
Refer to the "August Archives" and read the post Groundbreaking Ceremony for Highway Buildings".
I had absolutely no problem giving credit where credit was due. If anything, "I" tooted Jake's horn for him yet you come down on my head like a ton a bricks. That's just weird.
Keep lookin ,jacob. there's a whole clan of us out here.what would you like to tell us that we don't already know.
Just uninformed, wasn't the town building project supposed to be put up for public bid?
yes, it was up for bid and Jones & Sons got the lowest bid. For the salt building and the storage building project. They did a nice job and it went up fast.
Noticed jake requested a ribbon cutting ceremony. Is he furnishinf the refresments
Of course Jake requested a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. This is a big deal for the town and the Highway Department. Cut the crap!
I can not believe the way people are jumping on Jake. I for one am glad there is one person in towm who will VOLUNTEER so much time and effort to anything. I am sure he would have much rather sat back and watched but no he was right there pushing and checking and getting it done. What does he get for that..... I think he deserves a big Thank you at least. I am also glad he requested a ribbon cutting is a big deal for this town. Now we can be proud of our highway dept. building instead of hanging our heads.......
It's been hard to sit here and be quiet about all the comments made on here. I can tell you first hand that when Jake agrees to help with somehting all else goes on the back burner until the project is complete. He worries about getting supplies in time and at the right price and keeps detailed records of what is being done. I know this because I live with him. Jake loves the "art" of building and is at his best when involved. Since his accident and consequent disability it has been hard for him to find things to occupy his time. This project has been a godsend for him. It has given his life a purpose if only for a short time. When you have been active all your life and then suddenly idled it is a hard adjustment and I am thankful for Jake to have had an opportunity to do something he loves. Thank you to all involved in this project. You have helped give the town a building to be proud of and give the town's equipment a shelter from all the adverse weather we get in this area. Hopefully this building will be with the town for generations to come. All residents should be proud of the new site as it was from your taxes that this was made possible so it truly is "your" building.
CJ said..."If this is how things will be run under Ms. Orr's realm we had better hope she doesn't get elected. It seems it must be her supporters who are kicking up the mud since there hasn't been any mud slung before this election."
Since when do we start blaming people for other folks comments? A statement like that makes you sound narrow minded and petty, like you were accusing others of being! In case you hadn't noticed, this IS an election and folks are not going to agree on everything. Try a little common sense for once - geez!
Like it or not, that is the reality of blogs - if you are presenting an open forum, you have to allow everyone to say their piece, whether you agree with what they say or not, as long as they don't violate the rules of etiquette (foul language, threats, etc.)
You obviously dislike Sally and don't plan to vote for her- we get it, ok?
Always criticism and fault finding in politics. If the candidate can't take the heat, he or she shouldn't be in the game.
Why didn't the Democrats put Jake Gross up for the job of Supervisor instead of enlisting Republican Stermer for the nomination. From what we read here, jake is the man who can get things movin in town. Sorta puts Stermer in a lost cause.
I'm not whithering on the vine, here. I'm very careful about picking my battles. This issue isn't a battle I choose to fight because it's rooted in pettiness and duplicity.
One more thought:
If this discussion thread had been on a specific issue; zoning, re-val, taxes etc. I would have dug in with both heels and came out firing. But it wasn't.
Here, here Sal! That's the right route to take- the high road is always best!
"Oh, and after all the hullabalu over hiring another man, Mr. Johnson still doesn't have a qualified person on the job. He has to wait for him to get his CDL! And everyone was blaming the town board for a lack of manpower. Shame on you."
Shame on you, CJ- what were you expecting for $9.50/hr, a seasoned pro? Maybe you can help find someone next time the town is hiring. I am just glad we could hire someone in our own town and it makes sense to do that, when we can. I see no problem with this- he can still train on the town equipment (which he would have had to do anyways) and it sounds like he will take the test within the next few weeks. What is the problem here?
Sal- a change of subject. I realized that we voters will be facing two major state issues on the ballot this year and we haven't really discussed Proposal One at all.
I think it is very important to all of us to understand the difference between the Bond Act, which would authorize funds for the completion of Upstate NY road projects including Route 15, and Proposal One, which the Legislature has created to grant them more power, a very scary thought! We have a liberal Legislature in Albany who embrace the tax and spend menatlity and haven't got a clue what an on-time balanced budget is.
We all need to be aware that there are two items on the ballot and make sure we vote the way they want for each of those items.
I know you have put some good posts up on the Bond Act - an chance we can get some information up on Proposal One?
Yes mam, will post info on Prop One in a few days.
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