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Location: New York

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Lindley Town Board Minutes-Dec. 13, 2005


Meeting called to order: 7:00pm Harold Semple-Town Supervisor
Town Board Members Present: Paul Stermer-Councilman
Jacob Gross-Councilman
Paul Mortzheim-Councilman
Gerry Simcoe-Councilman
Dick Johnson-Highway Supt.
Diana L. Hill-Town Clerk
David Fuller-Code Enforcement
David Edmister-Dog Control
Attached attendance list

A motion to accept the minutes (with corrections) from November 15, 2005, Town Board meeting.
Motioned by: Paul Mortzheim Seconded by: Jake Gross
Jake-yes, Paul s-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M-yes CARRIED

Public Comment

New York State Department of Transportation Region 6
Paul E. McAnay-Regional Design Engineer
*Penn Dot bid’s are opening March 2006
*Will be using dirt from NY to go up to the Bridge, which connects to NY
*Connection-1 mile construction in to NY –the 1 mile to Watson Creek is to start in 2007-they will also be replacing wetlands-which will go down by the colonial coach trailer park.
*Route 15- 2-6 miles are still pending: The design plans are still pending: As there is no money for this project yet.
*To start the design of this project (Route15, 2-6 miles) from start to finish will take 3 years.
*Kuhl Road-is going to be used for the Detour for 6 to 8 weeks, while the new highway connector is being built.
Paul McAnay: said there is no money for the design* have no idea when they will have the money, we need to push to have the 2-6 miles completed.
Bill Canfield: is Thomas Madison the acting Commissioner of Transportation?
Dennis Smith: Environmental Impact-when do they expire (Paul said they expire 3 years before the project starts, but this project has started so it won’t expire.
Dick Pierce: are they watching the bridge in Lawrenceville, PA-(Paul yes, they are watching the bridge and are aware and also are watching the roads. This bridge most likely will be turned back over to Steuben County.
Terry Hill: This highway is not safe. You take your life in your hands when driving this road. You have 23 million dollars, why can’t you earmark 1 ½ million for this project design? Does this money expire? (Paul-No the money doesn’t expire) Do you realize that you have put people a lot of people on hold.
Paul Stermer: once the first mile is completed- this is going to make this part of the road worse because of the funnel effect on the last five miles, it will become a death trap.
Paul Mortzheim: do you realize that the statistics (6 more people will die on this road,) before you have this project completed.
Paul McAnay: you must put pressure on Peter White (DOT) & Randy Kuhl-to get the design project started for this project. Also you need to contact George Winner, Jim Bacalles.
Paul Mortzheim: ask about the Tax Base-what is the major impact on the taxes for the Town of Lindley. The last three years we have not received any money from the trailer park, what is the ratio?-no compensation for moving the people, the town has lost a lot of taxable property.
Jake Gross: in the 1st mile, will they do the welcome center? (Paul – not at this time, but they will build the area up, there is no money at this time to build it)
Bill Canfield: Who will be the designer of the 1st mile, (Paul-it will be from in house) we will be ready when PA gets to the border.
Gerry Simcoe: the Kuhl Road detour-will you have to put a bridge on Kuhl Rd. (Paul- it will be temporary, the bridge will be taken back out when the connector is finished, the most traffic will be for the 6 to 8 weeks when route 15 is detoured down the Kuhl Rd.
Harold: should we start a letter writing campaign?
Paul McAnay: do a public informational meeting, for help to get the officials moving.
Brad Drake: someone didn’t give us the right information concerning Route 15, these people have worked very hard to get this project moving, these people shouldn’t have to go begging again to the politicians, this needs to be done!


Fran Woodring: Thanked Harold for all he has done, while serving as the Town Supervisor.
Harold: Thanked Bill Canfield & Fran Woodring, for all they have done on this Route 15 project.
Gerry Gross: Thanked Harold for all he’s done for the Town.
Kitty Pierce-Town Historian: Veteran’s Plaque is coming along well, (Harold must make a transfer if money is there).
Dave Fuller-CEO- gave a letter to the person who lives next door to the East Lindley Church.

Need a motion to Transfer Money from A1990.4 to A1450.4 amount $100.00 (elections)
Motioned by: Paul Stermer Seconded By: Gerry Simcoe
Paul S-yes, Gerry-yes, Jake-yes, Paul M-yes CARRIED
Need a motion to Transfer Money from A1990.4 to A4540.4 Amount $250.00 Rural/Metro
Motioned by: Jake Gross Seconded By: Paul Mortzheim
Paul S-NO, Gerry-yes, Jake-yes, Paul M-yes CARRIED


It is noted that a monthly report was received from the Town Supervisor, & Town Clerk, & Highway Dept. & Code enforcement for the month of November 2005; they are on file in the Town Clerk’s office.

Paul Mortzheim: the 911 posting: there will be no list, because I don’t want people to be ticketed. They must post the signs.

The Year end Town Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday December 29, 2005 at 7:00pm.

The reorganizional meeting will be held January 10th, 2005.

Motion to pay the Bills: General Abstract# 12 380-407 $3953.69
Highway Abstract# 182-200 $22485.43
Motioned by: Paul Stermer Seconded By: Gerry Simcoe
Paul S-yes, Gerry-yes, Jake-yes, Paul M-yes CARRIED


Jake Gross: asked Dick about the Machinery Contractual D5130.4. Is the money from Fortuna There?
Dick: the Fortuna Money was to replace the base & then to put fabric on the road, then put gravel on top of the road
Dick will talk to the County-concerning the Chips account (for the Fortuna money).

Need to make a motion to transfer from D5140.4 Brush & Weed
To D5130.4 amount $1698.00
Motioned by: Paul Mortzheim Seconded By: Paul Stermer
Paul S-yes, Paul M-yes, Jake-yes, Gerry-yes CARRIED

Need to make a motion to transfer from D5110.4 Cold Patch
To D5130.4 $5532.00

Motioned by: Jake Gross Seconded By: Paul Stermer
Paul S-yes, Jake-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M-yes CARRIED

Change the Haw Becker bills all to come out of account D5130.4

Audited Supervisor’s Books
Audited Town Justice’s Books

Motion for Adjournment
Motioned by: Paul Mortzheim Seconded By: Jake Gross
Paul S-yes, Jake-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M-yes CARRIED

Diana L. Hill
Lindley Town Clerk


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