Lindley Planning Board Minutes- January
The regular meeting of the Lindley Town Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary Lentzen. Members present included Gerry Gross, Jim White, Earl Titus, Mark Swan and Pat Simcoe. The CEO, Dave Fuller, and 3 visitors were also present.Minutes of the December 19 meeting were read; a Motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Earl, seconded by Jim and passed unanimously.
Mary introduced Pat Simcoe as the new member of the Board and noted that a visitor, Frances Tempel, was observing the Board meeting and may consider applying for a seat on the Board. Mary also stated the Town Board has reappointed her as Chairperson of the Planning Board for 2006.
Mary stated the New York DOT will hold a public information meeting on Wednesday, January 18, 2006, at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the State Route 15 improvement project, First mile segment to Watson Creek Road and the Khul Road connector and wetland site construction.
The CEO Permit summary Report for Dec, 2005 consisted of construction of a metal car port for Neal Hill.
The Town received a letter dated Dec. 26, 2005 from John Adams of Hamburg, NY inquiring about zoning requirements should he move to Lindley and purchase a ranch style home with 5-10 acres of land and then add a small Mother-in-Law/Guest house/cottage. The Board agreed it would be best if the home and guest house were all one unit rather than two separate buildings.
Mark will respond to Mr. Adams.The new Zoning Law went into effect December 5, 2005. Dee will have about 50 copies printed and copies will be available for about $6.00 to cover printing costs.
Gerry suggested to Dave that lots be measured not just paced off. Dave said he will purchase the tape and send the bill to the Town.
Mary stated Jennifer Fais was unavailable for tonight’s meeting as it was a Holiday. She will let Mary know how many hours she can spend on Lindley projects.
Mary asked the Board for ideas for projects and noted the land sub-division Law needs updating. The most recent Law became effective June 20, 1966.Gerry would like to see a place for a local lending library or book exchange for the Town residents. Pat suggested an awareness campaign to notify residents of the zoning laws. Earl stated signs are posted on every road into Town. Gerry stated enforcement is still the biggest problem; no recourse for those who continue to do things their way. Dave is supposed to ride all Town roads once per quarter.
Mary noted that January 1 the new Sub-Division Law became effective. NYS has amended the Real Property Law that should help the Town enforce its Subdivision Law. It states that subdivision maps must be filed with the county AND the town, otherwise a non-filing penalty can be assessed. The updating of this Law allows the Town to take action in their court and get l/3 of the penalty fees that used to go entirely to the State. The penalties collected are split l/3 to the state, 1/3 to the county and 1/3 to the town. Fines can range from $25 to $300 for each lot sold before filing the map. The previous penalty was a flat $25 to the state (same penalty since 1910).
At 7:40 P.M. Earl moved to adjourn; Jim seconded and the Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted
Janice Oberlander
Recording Clerk
The regular meeting of the Lindley Town Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary Lentzen. Members present included Gerry Gross, Jim White, Earl Titus, Mark Swan and Pat Simcoe. The CEO, Dave Fuller, and 3 visitors were also present.Minutes of the December 19 meeting were read; a Motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Earl, seconded by Jim and passed unanimously.
Mary introduced Pat Simcoe as the new member of the Board and noted that a visitor, Frances Tempel, was observing the Board meeting and may consider applying for a seat on the Board. Mary also stated the Town Board has reappointed her as Chairperson of the Planning Board for 2006.
Mary stated the New York DOT will hold a public information meeting on Wednesday, January 18, 2006, at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the State Route 15 improvement project, First mile segment to Watson Creek Road and the Khul Road connector and wetland site construction.
The CEO Permit summary Report for Dec, 2005 consisted of construction of a metal car port for Neal Hill.
The Town received a letter dated Dec. 26, 2005 from John Adams of Hamburg, NY inquiring about zoning requirements should he move to Lindley and purchase a ranch style home with 5-10 acres of land and then add a small Mother-in-Law/Guest house/cottage. The Board agreed it would be best if the home and guest house were all one unit rather than two separate buildings.
Mark will respond to Mr. Adams.The new Zoning Law went into effect December 5, 2005. Dee will have about 50 copies printed and copies will be available for about $6.00 to cover printing costs.
Gerry suggested to Dave that lots be measured not just paced off. Dave said he will purchase the tape and send the bill to the Town.
Mary stated Jennifer Fais was unavailable for tonight’s meeting as it was a Holiday. She will let Mary know how many hours she can spend on Lindley projects.
Mary asked the Board for ideas for projects and noted the land sub-division Law needs updating. The most recent Law became effective June 20, 1966.Gerry would like to see a place for a local lending library or book exchange for the Town residents. Pat suggested an awareness campaign to notify residents of the zoning laws. Earl stated signs are posted on every road into Town. Gerry stated enforcement is still the biggest problem; no recourse for those who continue to do things their way. Dave is supposed to ride all Town roads once per quarter.
Mary noted that January 1 the new Sub-Division Law became effective. NYS has amended the Real Property Law that should help the Town enforce its Subdivision Law. It states that subdivision maps must be filed with the county AND the town, otherwise a non-filing penalty can be assessed. The updating of this Law allows the Town to take action in their court and get l/3 of the penalty fees that used to go entirely to the State. The penalties collected are split l/3 to the state, 1/3 to the county and 1/3 to the town. Fines can range from $25 to $300 for each lot sold before filing the map. The previous penalty was a flat $25 to the state (same penalty since 1910).
At 7:40 P.M. Earl moved to adjourn; Jim seconded and the Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted
Janice Oberlander
Recording Clerk
Hmmm Let me see 5 A divided by 2=21/2 acres. Only 2A required for a residence. So if the man builds a second dwelling-the assessors have 2 houses to tax. And the town has extra income. Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite your face. By the way-how come it's okay to put a mobile home on a lot of less than 2 acres for a in-law. There are at least 2 known cases in town.
Hmm let me see the first mobile home placed for an inlaw was put there because the owner lied about the amount of acerage and the CEO didn't have the gumption to ask for a survey or deed so that one is illegal no mater how you look at it sonnyboy/gal. The second one was allowed with the stipulation that once the dwelling is no longer occupied by the older person it will be removed. The files are open to the public, go look at them, it will take time but it is time well spent. As of Dec. 5, 2005 the new zoning is in effect and the old orange books are no longer in use. The new law is the one the planning board will have to go by. At least the planning board makes a decision based on the curent law, dicussion by the board and then a motion, a SECOND to the motion and then a vote is taken. Seems this is not so with the new supervisor who doesn't believe in a second to a motion. Also the planning board does cover all items on the agenda for that meeting. The chairperson stays at the table throughtout the meeting until a motion to adjourn is made and voted on. Read the posted minutes carefully and you will see this is the case. Ther aremany things to consider when a person is thinking about doing any type of building or addition. Electric, water, septic systems are all carefully looked at to insure they are adequate. The person who wrote to the planning board was wise to seek out information in advance of a purchase. Too bad others aren't that foresighted. This kind of exchange of ideas makes for good planning.
If the planning board is so efficient how come it took them all this time to require a tape measure for the CEO?
Nice to see there are new people interested in the Planning Board.
Perhaps they will serve with an open mind that will replace some of the mean, petty ,vindictve behavior that is obvious .
Book exchange a good idea ,Gerry-you could run it out of your garage-a good location. jake could manage it and mind his own business instead of others.
You know at least I am not afraid to use my name. I have contributed more to this town than you because I am not afraid to speak the truth nor is Jake. If the truth hurts then we must be doing something right. There are rules and regulations that must be followed in all forms of government and when you take things into your own hands, ignore laws and policies, encourage others to lie and defame then you are a coward. If you know so much why haven't you joined a committee or board? Because it is much easier to sit back throw stones and complain if you don't agree with someone. Jake has EVERY right to do what he was elected to do, represent the people and keep an eye on the finances of the town and if this means scrutinizing vouchers for items that shouldn't be there so be it. For too long things have been done the good ole boys way. People were in hopes the new administration would follow the rules and protect the town's funds, those funds are your tax dollars, not the supervisors or any other official. Maybe if YOU could find something constructive to say and do there wouldn't be so much mud throwing in this town. I sleep at night with a clear conscience knowing I have done the best I can to help evveryone by following the rule even if I don't like some of them. I call it the way I see it and if you don't like it I could care less, you don't run my life, pay my bills or choose my priorities not matter how much you want to. This is still a free country, with FREEDOMS and they should be for all not the chosen few. You will not shut me up, I know that is your goal, for I will exercise my rights to my dying breath. Get used to it or get over it. Why don't you get involved and help the town if you are so smart? Proud to be an American and a DEMOCRAT.
Jake gross DOES have the responsibility to represent the people and keep an eye on the finances. This is true. But what he DOES is target Dick Johnson on financial issues in view of the public not in your private budget meetings. Oh, and I understand that ALL of the things that Jake has ACCUSED Dick of have turned up false! YES PUBLIC~~~FALSE!!! Sounds like a personal vendetta to me. Geeze Dick, have you gotten a public apology yet? You certainly deserve one. If someone went after me and WRONGLY accused me of lying and stealing they'd better damn well have their proof! You, Jake have humiliated yourself at meetings because noone in the community wants to see a board member act like a 2 year old and point fingers and play "tattle tale". Again, You owe a HUGE apology publicly to Dick Johnson! But we All know that will never happen , will it?
Ms Gross -maybe part of your problem is that you care more about the image you present than trying to understand where others are coming from. You sleep with a clear conscience-so do most of us because we are not trying to dictate to others how they should manage their affairs.
When some people are elected to office their position goes to their head and they abuse the privilege granted to them by the taxpayer.
My name not important
Observer from a distance.
Gee-- with your ideals, patriotism and political party , maybe you could apply for a job in the Hilary Clinton campaign. Then you
could really impress people.
Yep the things that were missing from the town garage finally turned up when Dick was tipped off by "someone" at the town hall so he quickly returned the items before the meeting. No reason for an apology, it is good he finally got a grip of "conscience". Here Here to the new administration for aiding and abetting. Wonder what else will turn up. You can work this thing to death or you can grow up and let it go, your choice. You who are so ignimonious woulnd't be if you only knew all the facts but you never will. They are being kept under tight wraps.
You are pointing fingers again.
If you are so knowledgable about how to run the highway department-why didn't you run for the job? Probably knew the voters would favor Dick.
I believe in this country-you are innocent until proven guilty.
Get a life and find something else to rag on.
Just for a moment, lets step back and take a breath. If charges have been made, this is serious business. It is up to the board to follow up on these charges. If the board is unable to work together on this mater then it is time to turn the case over to the authorities and let them settle it.
How about it Board members? The public would like to know your reaction to the accusations made by Jake about Dick at the last Board meeting. Is there need for an investigation or is Jake making claims that he can't prove.
Guess we will know more at the next board meeting-huh?
Some thought that with the change of Administration -there would be a better working relationship between the Board and Highway Department. Certainly not off to a good start-thanks to one individual who apparently has an ax to grind.
Regarding: "If the board is unable to work together on this mater then it is time to turn the case over to the authorities and let them settle it."
This case WAS turned over to authorities and the town lawyer Kent Woloson found NO "actionable items" to press charges. Every piece of evidence brought forward by the past administration was based on heresay, innuendo and rumors.
I just have one question for anyone who can answer it. Can anyone tell me why a certain town councilman, recently in the spotlight, is following the Town Highway men around on jobs? This same individual had been seen coming and going from the town shed frequently as well. Seems to me this is a huge liability should this person become injured while in the process of observing. Not to mention these men are in the use of large peices of equipment and trucks throughout the day and have to constantly watch for this observer while trying to manipulate eguipment around him. Seems like someone should stay out of the way, quit pointing fingers, focus on their family and finally enjoy retirement. Give it a rest. Accept change, the past skeletons are now buried. Lets make the town a proud place to live for all and lets look forward to a brighter future. Its a shame when someone dedicates 20 some years to this town and gets treated the way they have recently. Its hard to believe people can be so hateful. Dick should sue for harassment and defamation (sp) of character. But then again, we know that's as likely as an apology from the those starting trouble. Sad.
By "authorities" I hope you are refering to the District Attorney's office.
That someone must be watching too many cop programs or reading trashy novels.
I'm one step ahead of ya....
Oh my God Sally. You have your hands full.
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