Link Red-StaterWisdoms

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

watch ride and report

watch ride and report
Originally uploaded by Sally Ann.
For all the hard core political junkies out there, here's two items from Little Green Footballs and Dailykos that the Main Stream Media isn't reporting (yet).

Go to the links I've posted on the left hand side of the blog, beneath the polls and click on: LittleGreenFootballs and read the post "The Multi-Million Dollar 9/11 Insult, Cont'd". It's about the radical leftist plans to install a "Why the World hates us" memorial at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. From that post click on the other links to read more articles about the story.

Then click on Dailykos, scroll down until you find the post-"First gulags. Now this" and find out how the Left thinks about being vigilant when it comes to "homeland security."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at the comments on the memorial at Ground Zero and the comments on the poster on the subway between Baltimore and Washington D.C., it seems like George W. Bush has polarized the country. This hasn't been done since the Vietnam war and you know what happened then.

5:34 PM  

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