Link Red-StaterWisdoms

Red-StaterWisdoms explores the differences between the Red and Blue states on social, personal and political issues.

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Location: New York

Monday, April 10, 2006

Don's Okay

Last night my grandson Don was airlifted to Arnot Hospital after crashing his dirt bike into the iron RR bridge across from Herrick's on the River Road. Aside from minor scrapes and bruises he broke his femor bone, the largest bone in the body, clean in half. Doctors told the family that Don will undergo multiple surguries to put his leg back together. Although he sustained a badly broken leg we are grateful that his injuries weren't life threatening.

I want to thank everyone who was at the scene for their time and professional care they gave to Don and the family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Don and his entire family. We, the Snyder family wish him well and pray he makes a tremendous recovery. This "young man" has grown up with us, and before our eyes. we are praying for you Donald!! We love you!!

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Orr faimly needs this town to pull together and really BE a community that cares. I am asking for volunteers to come to the Lindley Town Hall and if able to help the family with providing a nights meal or a financial donation, no matter how big or small. This is going to be a long recovery process with much travel expense, hospital bills, etc... They don't have the time to cook a nice meal for the rest of the kids,not to mention for themselves. And if I may add, they have no medical insurance....PLEASE neighbors of this community, If there was EVER a time to unite and help out, IT'S NOW!! I will be at the town hall this evening (Tues) from 7-9 if anyone would like to help out or sign up for a night to provide them a meal. Please show your generosity and support for this family. Thanks for any and all help.

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to thank those who came to the Lindley Town Hall last evening to make financial contributions for the Orr family. It's people like you that make a community what it should be!! Donations can still be taken at the Town hall during regular hours or if more convenient you can drop them off at my home 1051 River Road and I will ensure that the family get's it. ALso, we still desperately need folks who would be willing to send a dinner item to the house as they are very overwhelmed right now and could sure use people who care. Again, if no one is at their home at the time and you wish to drop off food, my home is 2 houses away (BLUE HOUSE with llamas and alpacas out back)I will take it to them when they return. MUCH APPRECIATION TO ALL WHO ARE WILLING AND ABLE TO HELP OUT! We have a chance to make a real difference right now in this community , let's give it a try!

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say thank you to every one that has helped us out we are really thankful for everything.I wanted to say thanks for the fire department for being there and people at the town hall for supporting us in every way u can we r very thankful for everything.(Samantha Tohafjian)

I just want to say thank you all so very very much for all your prayers support everything.Your prayers where answered when he came out of surgery.I had no idea how caring and giving this town is, I thank you.His injuries consisted of a broken femor, his leg was severed almost off, but missed his arteries he will undergo several more surgeries with a metal rod from his hip to his knee.They said his knee was twisted around like someone would twist the opening of a bread bag.Other then that he is alive and recovering very nicely.I can't remember everyone that was there at the scene but thank god you were there, and you boys are very very quick to get there.Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.Rochelle and Erik Orr

2:14 PM  

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