Link Red-StaterWisdoms

Red-StaterWisdoms explores the differences between the Red and Blue states on social, personal and political issues.

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Location: New York

Monday, October 09, 2006


1930's Growing Tobacco Lindley Style

Durland Weale of Addison formerly of Lindley will present a program on Growing Tobacco in Lindley in the 1930's on Saturday, October 14th from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Lindley Town Hall on U.S. Rt. 15.

Mr. Weale had first hand experience in the raising of tobacco as a youth during this period on his parent's farm in Lindley. The talk will describe the various steps associated with growing a tobacco crop. Examples of locally grown tobacco and the equipment used in growing tobacco will be on display. This promises to be an educational and informative program on the history of an extensive farm crop that no longer exists in this area.


Zoning Board of Appeals Opening

A vacancy is open on the Zoning Board of Appeals if anyone is interested.

Drop off a Letter of Interest at the Town Hall during Town Clerk hours.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Free Summer Lunches

Free Summer Lunches
for school children
18 years and younger!!!

Where: Pantry of Angels
Corner Rt. 15/Caroline Drive
Lindley, NY
(behind Season's Motorsports)

When: August 2 - August 31
Monday - Friday

Time: 12:00(noon) - 12:45

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Presho Church Chicken Barbecue

The Presho United Methodist Church is sponsoring an old fashioned Chicken Barbecue with Gospel Country Entertainment on Saturday, August 19, 2006 at 1 to 6 p.m.

Come and enjoy a chicken half with homemade dishes and pies. Good Will Offering.

Reservations required by July 31
Call: 607-523-8861

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Too Much Rain

Hi Sally-
A gentle reminder of what used to happen in Lindley before the days of the flood control dams. Mrs. Verna Austin had this picture which was taken a few weeks after they bought the former Lee Bulkley's store(right hand -side of photo).from Smitty Pease in November 1950 and which was flooded a few weeks later... As a result , they enclosed to the porch of the house at the end of the Lindley bridge for use as a store. They built the building next to the present Town Hall for their store when the "new" Route 15 was opened in 1953. Many of us old timers still call the house in the photo the Crandall house from the Elmer Crandall family who lived there after the Austins.
Found an article recently that stated the dams were being discussed as early as 1956, but were not built until 1975----a direct result of the 100 years flood of 1972.
I am sure the pictures of the flooding to the east of here last week brought back memories of the flood of 1972- almost 34 years to the date to many people .

Friday, June 23, 2006


Heritage Days Scholarship Winners

Lindley Heritage Days Scholarship Winners

Kari Smith & Amanda L. Wood are the Winners of the Lindley Heritage Scholarship for the Year 2006.
Kari is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Smith of 929 Davis Rd. Corning, NY 14830.
Amanda is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wood of 1256 Clendenning Rd. Painted Post, NY 14870.
Kari & Amanda will both receive a check for $500.00, to further their education. Kari will be attending Lycoming College in the fall. & Amanda will be attending SUNY Brockport in the fall.

Just a little bit of history, both Kari Smith & Amanda Wood, won the Fifth grade Lindley Citizenship Award together in 1999.

The Lindley Heritage Days Committee Congratulate all the Winners.

Lindley Heritage Days Committee
June 19th, 2006


Heritage Days Citizenship Awards

Courtney Myers & Tyler Rose are the Winners of the Lindley Heritage Days Citizenship Award for the year 2006. Courtney is the daughter of Denise Terwilliger-McFall and Daniel Myers of 10322 Church Creek Rd. Lindley, New York 14858. & Tyler Rose is the son of Scott & Lisa Rose of 9486 Manley Hill Rd. Lindley, NY 14858. They both were awarded a $50.00 Saving Bond.

Congratulations kids and a special thanks goes to Wilma Welty for presenting these awards for the past 14 years.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Looking for Thomas Presho

Hi Sally- Can we put a photo of Thomas Presho on the Historian's Wanted List?

Found the following information in. Roberts Historical Gazetteer 1891

"Presho formerly Erwin Centre -so called because it was in the center of the Town of Erwin before Lindley was taken off-is located near the northern boundry of the Town of Lindley on the F.B.C.(Fallbrook, Blossburg, Corning) railroad. It contained one church built for the union church,but soon after for some unknown reason dedicated as a methodist house,two stores,one blacksmith shop and wagon repair shop, a school,and thirty or forty families. Formerly, it was a great lumbering point,but now is the center of extensive tobacco growing and farming district.On January 9,1888, the post office was changed to Presho in honor of one of the most public spirited citizens of the hamlet, Thomas J. Presho and on May13 following,the name of the station and express office were changed to Presho.
Thomas J. Presho (son of Josiah N. and Betsy Cutiss) Presho was born in Broome County,New York August 21,1828.The family lived at Dalton, near Pittsfield,Massachusetts prior to their settlement on Broome County. The subject of this notice,after a residence of some years in Bradford Co,Pa. ,he came to this town and settled at Erwin Centre(now Presho)
From Tri Counties Website. (Thanks to Dee Hill's research)
Elkland Journal Selections 1890
Dec. 9,1897 Thomas J. Presho of Presho suffered a stroke of paralysis several weeks ago .He died at home last week,Thurs. afternoon.

Thanks Kitty

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Lawrence Toby Passes

Calling Hours:
Wednesday 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Service at 11:00 a.m.
Flint Funeral Home, Addison