Link Red-StaterWisdoms

Red-StaterWisdoms explores the differences between the Red and Blue states on social, personal and political issues.

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Location: New York

Thursday, December 30, 2004

US Stingy? I think not....

I jokingly said I wondered how the Far Left would manage to blame the earthquake and resulting tsunami on Bush or the Republicans since they blame everything from hangnails to global warming on them. Well, the jokes on me. They actually blamed the earthquake on the USA for sucking all the oil out of the ground that left gapping holes which in turn--caused the 9.0 earthquake off the shores of Indonesia. Think I'm kidding? I'm not. Talk radio had a number of "Lefty's" calling in strutting their hypothosis that because the US is such a glutton for oil---it had catrostrophic CONSEQUENCES! that came in the form of an earthquake. Aiii...yiii...yiii!

That was nutty enough, but now the fabulous elite are saying the Bush administration is being "stingy" and slow to send aid to the devastated countries whacked by the killer wave. And if that wasn't they're saying Bush was not "emoting enough sympathy" to the stricken victims!

Are we not the most charitable country in the entire world? Apparently not according to the New York Times. Click on the headline, (put your boots on first), and read how the patriots from the Times think about American charity. Then...after you read the editorial from America's lead paper, symbolically draw a bucket of icewater and dump it over their heads to WAKE THEM UP....and then send them two dollars lest they forget again that the USA is the most benevolent society in the entire world.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Amateur Video of Tsunami-Graphic Images

Click on the headline and it will take you to the "Cheese and Crackers" blog where you will find the amateur video link of the tsunami.

After you're in the Cheese and Crackers blog, click on the first link titled "amateur video (11.7MB) of a tsunami hitting Phuket Beach. A "Windows Media Player" will appear (or another video player you've downloaded). You'll have to wait for the video to load. It takes several minutes. After the video has loaded....hold your breath. The advancing tsunami on the two minute video send chills up your spine. There are many links to photos and other videos of the tsunami on this site.

Area Wide Transportation Committee Report

Bill Canfield and Fran Woodring from Lindley attend the Area Wide Transportation Committee meetings to keep abreast of what's happening on the Route 15 project here in town. In a letter to the town they reported to the Town Board these findings from the November 16th meeting:
Tom Tranter is distributing a copy of the latest report (fourth revision) of the NYS Advisory Panel on Transportation. This report will be submitted to the Legislature, approved hopefully and then sent on to the Governor for his signature by January 1st. Improvement of our section of Route 15 into a four-lane (I/99) is one of the priorities in this report. The Welcome Center and the Transportation Hub in Corning are two other local priorities in the report.

The first mile of Route 15 from the Pennsylvania State line is still on schedule to be committed for construction in the spring of 2006. The money is available for this one mile.

Pennsylvania has revised their finish date for the completion of Route 15 to a four-lane (I/99) to 2008. This is one year earlier.

The balance of conversion (the other five miles) of Route 15 is still up in the air. The federal senate, although they are back in session, looks like they will be approving the spending bill. It has provisions for the completion of Route 15 in it. The old spending bill has been extended to May 2005 with the possibility of further extension to October 2005, but there is nothing in it concerning Route 15. Pessimism exists as to whether it would be possible to get even one of the three earmarked priorities for this area in an October 2005 new spending bill. Route 15 is one of those three earmarked priorities.

We also found out:

The center line rumble strips as mentioned in Gary Funk's letter to the Town Supervisor are part of their plans for 2005. But they seemed surprised to find we also were looking to install rumble strips on the shoulders of the Route 15. We said it was part of our intent since our meeting with Gary Funk in December 2003.

Fran asked them to do something about the general condition of the current Route 15. Such things as the wrecked Presho sign coming north on Route 15, weeds behind the barriers and fallen tree pieces do not give a very pleasing atmosphere as you come into or leave New York State and Lindley.

The Area Wide Transportation Committee is going to try and have George Winner at their next meeting January 31st.

Lindley Town Planning Board-December 20,2004

The regular meeting of the Town Planning Board was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary Lentzen. Members present were Gerry Gross, Jason Ballard, Manley Davis and Earl Titus. The CEO, Dave Fuller, and one visitor were also present.

Mary asked for a moment of silence to remember Tom Bodnovich, a former Planning Board member and also for Ammon Titus, Earl's father and a former Town Councilman.

Mary noted an ad had been placed in the Addison Post requesting applications be submitted to the town for persons interested in any of the positions now available in the town government.

In reference to questions raised at November's meeting concerning whether or not permits had been issued, Dave stated Alan Miller had a building permit, the Leonard property he has not yet talked with them. He had talked with the people at the Tannery Creek residence and expected to see them in his office soon, if not, they will be issued a ticket. Dave is working with Linda Giardina of Caton to get the Heffner property on Tannery Creek in compliance with zoning codes. They have been unable to catch Mr. Heffner at home.

A Public Hearing scheduled for Bob Brown of Brownie's Mini Mart on Route 15 will be rescheduled for January as Mr. Brown did not appear. The Board discussed whether or not a Stop Work order should be filed against Mr. Brown as it is believed he is actively working on projects not approved under his previous CUP which has expired.

Dave will issue Mr. Brown a ticket for parking trucks in the back of the business without a CUP. Concern was also raised about trucks running their engines all night in a residential area.

Vistor comments: Jake Gross reminded the Board of several Zoning infractions he has observed in the town. Zoning laws must be enforced or the town people will not take them seriously and will lead to more infractions. Discussion included the Burlingame property on Morgan Creek Road and the farm birds and animals that are allowed to roam freely causing cars possible harm when trying to avoid hitting them.

Respectfully submitted
Janice Oberlander

Lindley Town Board Meeting-Dec. 14, 2004

Board Members: Harold Semple-Town Supervisor
Paul Stermer-Councilman
Gerry Simcoe-Councilman
Paul Mortzheim-Councilman

Approximately 10 people attending

Harold asked for a moment of silence in memory of Ammon Titus, who served as a Town Councilman for 24 years and Tom Bodnovich who served on the Lindley Planning Board.

Code Enforcement Report: Dave wasn't here this evening as he had to work.
Historian: Kitty presented her annual historian report for 2004 to the town board.
  1. Association of Towns: NYS Senate passed legislation during their special session that will restore fine monies to local courts.
  2. Fran Woodring and Bill Canfield presented a report from the Area Wide Transportation Committee. (See posted report)
  3. MCI sent a letter concerning changing long distance. Harold feels the phone carrier we have now, Verizon, is fine as everytime we change to MCI there are problems.

Susie (Justice) received a grant from the Justice System in the amount of $1335 which will be added to her 2005 contractual.

General consensus of the Town Board concerning the Election inspectors-if you leave the building for lunch or dinner inspectors should not be paid.

Harold told Dick that the payroll figures are off from what figures Penny (bookkeeper) has. The hours, regular, sick and vacation hours do not match. Harold suggested Dick get with Penny and work this out. He would like this cleaned up by the end of the year. Paul Mortzheim said: must have zero balances by the end of the year or all hours must be accounted for.

Dick Johnson, Highway Superintendent, presented the Town Board with a highway report from November 9 to December 13, 2004. (See posted report)

Bids: Have 45 working days or 45 business days. Will be checking with Kent next week with this matter. (Gave copy of bids to board members for them to study) Town can reject any bids. Paul Mortzheim asked if the town could look at any unsolicited bids.

Paul M. thanked Kitty for doing a good job with the Historian position.

Dick Pierce: Asked about the center rumble strips. Harold will give Gary Funk from the New York Department of Transportation a call Thursday about the side rumble strips planned for Route 15.

County Legislator, Bob Nichols: Budget was passed and county will have two new Public Defenders. Jail is full-crime is up. Status of 911: It will cost 1 million dollars to just turn the lights on. Roads will get 1 million dollars for road repair in 2005. County will be rebuilding two county roads-County Route 112 and County Route 106 (Church Creek Road). In 2008 the county plans to turn the one-lane Lindley bridge into a two-lane bridge which will cost about 2 to 2-1/2 million dollars.

Diana L. Hill, Lindley Town Clerk

Matters of Record

Court Records from Lindley Town Justice, Susan H. Williamee

  • Timothy W. Clapper-Unlicensed operator
  • Michael J. Lewis- Failed to obey traffic device
  • Lawrence E. Wright- Speed
  • James E. Jackson- (Motorcycle) no protective helmet
  • Adam J. Cornell- Failed to obey traffic device
  • Dennis J. Hulse- Speed
  • Joyce L. Abbot- Speed
  • Joseph H. Celeste- Stopped on pavement
  • Stacy R. Campbell- Failed to obey traffic device
  • Raymond F. Cook- No seatbelt (driver)
  • Gary G. Moon- Speed in zone

Blogs Provide Raw Details From Scene of the Disaster

For vivid reporting from the enormous zone of tsunami disaster, it was hard to beat the blogs.
The so-called blogosphere, with its personal journals published on the Web, has become best known as a forum for bruising political discussion and media criticism. But the technology proved a ready medium for instant news of the tsunami disaster and for collaboration over ways to help.

Note from Sallyann: Click on the headline and read full story. Also, click on links in body of story to go directly to the blogs for personal accounts and photos of the tsunami disaster.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

One of my favorite Christmas stories of all time.

Click on the headline and read the famous editorial by Francis P. Church. If his words to Virginia don't "square up the real spirit of Christimas," I don't know what would.

Merry Christmas everyone.......

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Mosul Attack-first person account

"By the time I got back to our compound it was all over the news. It seemed like the thing had just happened when in reality I had been neck deep in it for several hours. And there it was on TV. Frankly, it's kind of a blur.".... Chaplain Lewis on the Mosul bombing.

Note from Sallyann: An explosion tore into a crowded mess tent at lunchtime today near Mosul, killing as many as 15 U.S. soldiers and several other people, the U.S. military said. More than 60 people were wounded. Chaplain Lewis attended the wounded and dying soldiers and military personnel. His first person account of this terrible event is difficult to read. Chaplain Lewis, through his words, puts you at the scene in a most provocative yet respectful way. To read his account is to suffer with him. To not read his account is to miss an opportunity of fully knowing the meaning of "the ultimate sacrifice."

Click on this link to read the Mosul account:

Monday, December 20, 2004

Lance in Iraq

In what is believed to be a first, a Tennessee soldier is blogging from Iraq.
Second Lt. Lance Frizzell is with the Knoxville-based 278th Regimental Combat Team and is a medical platoon leader.

"My goal with the blog (besides having some fun) is to try to bring a little peace of mind to the families of 278th soldiers. There's a lot of little things happening over here that do make life safe and comfortable, even enjoyable," Frizzell said in an e-mail.

Click on the headline at the top and go directly to Lance's blog he writes while in Iraq. Spend some time clicking on the "underlined links"in his posts and reading the comments in his blogs. You may also post a comment to Lance if you wish. I'm sure he'd like to hear from as many people as possible from home.

Bits of Lindley Trivia and History

The following links are bits of history and other Lindley information. Very interesting.

Census info:

Tioga River info:

Lindley history:

Old cemetery info:

Lindsley Burying Ground:

Christmas Past

Originally uploaded by Sally Ann.
The Lindley-Presho Senior Citizens at their Christmas Party. Some of these smiling faces aren't with us anymore. Let's remember them this Christmas Holiday.

Christmas Past

Originally uploaded by Sally Ann.
More Seniors at Christmas Party three years ago.

Christmas Past

Originally uploaded by Sally Ann.
Senior Citizens Christmas Party three years ago.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Town of Lindley Accepting Applications

The Town of Lindley is accepting applications to fill the vacancies of Town Councilman, Planning Board and Appeals Board.

Anyone interested in serving one of these positions is asked to submit in writing the reasons he/she wishes to fill this position. Applicants are asked to send resumes to the Town Supervisor, PO Box 62, Lindley, New York 14858 or drop them off to the Town Clerk during regular business hours. The deadline is January 18th, 2005.

Dated: December 14, 2004
Diana L. Hill
Lindley Town Clerk

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Level Three Sex Offenders

Parents interested in keeping track of local sex offenders can click on the headline and go to the Steuben County Sheriff's site to review the list.

The offender has been assigned a risk level of 3, which means the risk to the community is high. Under the law, Police may disseminate relevant information which may include the sex offender's name, exact address, address of the offender's place of employment, a photo of offender, background information including the offender's crime of conviction, modus of operation, type of victim targeted, name and address of any institution of higher education at which sex offender is enrolled, attending, employed or residing at and the description of special conditions imposed on the offender to any entity with vulnerable populations related to the nature of the offense committed by such sex offender.These are ONLY Steuben County Sheriff's Level 3 Sex Offenders, the local Police Departments in this county, have their own lists.

Friday, December 17, 2004

One Christmas Food Basket

One Church group
One Community organization
One School
One Community
One Christmas Food Basket

The Presho United Methodist Women's Group (the UMW) with the cooperation of the Lindley-Presho Senior Citizens, the Lindley-Presho Elementary School and the community at large come together to provide Christmas and all the "trimmings" for one family in the Town of Lindley.

The Lindley-Presho School selects a family from town with the most need. The name of the family is kept a secret. The UMW reaches out to the community with a lot of help and support from the local Senior Citizen's Group and gathers everything the family would need to have a good Christmas. And I mean everything. The UMW provides a Christmas tree and all the decorations and every ingredient needed to make a Christmas dinner from the turkey to the dessert. Usually the school selects a family with lots of children so the UMW makes sure the children have presents under the tree.

The UMW also collects donated ornaments and gives one to each child at Lindley-Presho School. This year they will give out 140 ornaments. Rumor has it that many of the "glass ornaments" don't make it home. Oh's the spirit of giving that counts. The Senior Citizens and the UMW crochet and knit mittens also. Dee said altogether this year they have donated 130 pairs of handmade mittens to the children at Lindley-Presho School. Just makes you smile...doesn't it?

If anyone in town wants to make a donation to the family, they can take the items to Dee at the Lindley Town Hall. Check the Town Clerk post for Dee's hours when she's open. You can donate until the 21st of December. Also, check the "comment link" below for what items are most needed. Dee or Peggy Miller will post them.

Any extra items originally donated for the family will be given to the Pantry of Angels.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Community Forum--New Feature

When I was around town today, a good friend gave me an idea for the blog. He said, "Wouldn't it be great to have a place on the blog where people could go and write about issues that concern them?" He went on to say he could write a book on how he feels about driving on Route 15. Right then and there I knew I would create a "Community Forum" for the readers of

So here it is.....

And here's what you can do:

1.) Write about any issue or topic.
2.) Respond to posted comments.
3.) Post "get well, best wishes, congratulations, condolences, happy birthday, happy anniversary notices."
4.) Post bits of news items from around town.
5.) Post uplifting poems or quotes.
6.) Post CLEAN jokes.
7.) Seek advice and give advice....No real names please.

Here's what you can't do:
1.) Be malicious, slanderous, offensive, meanspirited or foul mouthed.

I will delete any comment that is malicious, slanderous, offensive, meanspirited or foul mouthed.

The floor is yours......

"Effective Education--Then and Now"

Note from Sallyann: Ian G. Mackenzie, member of the Corning Historical Society, has written a small handbook on the “History of the One-Room Schools” to be released at the end of January 2005. I wrote this Epilogue for his book and thought I would share it with readers. The message seems timely. I attended the River Road (Lindley #4) School in the mid-50's.

In 1954, the era of the one-room schools in the greater Corning area was coming to an end. The voters had decided, and the proponents of consolidation had won. By 1957, the doors to some 50 one-room, rural schools had been padlocked and the shutters closed, abandoned some said, for the greater good. But one of those plain school buildings that offered few creature comforts was all any community needed to produce exemplary citizens and hold a community together.

When I think of how crude those old schools were compared to the modern classroom, I am struck by what they accomplished. With few supplies—a box of #2 pencils, a hand cranked pencil sharpener, an eraser, paper, ruler, a handful of books and chalk for the single teacher, giants of industry, doctors, lawyers, nurses and the working man moved this country forward to the Super Power it is today. In fact, the last time students scored consistently high on the SAT’s was 1964. This leads one to believe that the brightest students were the last graduates of the one-room schools. Since 1964, the SAT scores have steadily fallen.

How did the rural teachers manage to educate a generation that sent a man to the moon, invented the computer and the internet without access to progressive teaching methods and the bells and whistles afforded modern educational institutions? To put it simply—it was a different time. Students learned by rote memory. Lessons and grades were repeated until they were mastered. The ability to think creatively, the preferred measure of intelligence by today’s progressive standards, was fine tuned during recess when confronted by the bully on the playground.

The classroom embodied a culture of personal responsibility, holding each child accountable for his or her achievements or failures. Teachers did not concern themselves with a child’s
self-esteem. Their concern was for the “content of our character.”

Patriotism and nationalism were never suppressed, always celebrated, and students never knew who the teacher voted for.

A prayer was said at the start of the school day, and no one was offended. Poverty, much meaner than today, became a fierce motivator for impoverished students who had dreams of “better days to come.” Acts of charity were commonplace. Corporeal punishment was delivered infrequently, usually with a just hand, and the recipient learned a valuable lesson on respect. The quiet order in the classroom was foremost in the teacher’s mind.

A student was never too far from home or from the larger kinship of community that strengthened and unanimously supported the one-room schools. Students emerging from rural back roads into the classrooms shared common goals, reinforced by a long history of traditional family values, expectations and pioneer-like beliefs in the American Dream. All any one-room teacher had to do was take rag-tag country kids empowered with community values, ethics and well established personal principles and provide them with a fundamental education—the ideal formula for academic success and the making of a productive citizen.

The record clearly illustrates that after the closing of the rural schools academic achievement steadily declined nationwide. It’s important to note that present-day educators state the quality of student entering school, the lack of parental and community involvement, and funds as primary reasons for failure. One might argue that consolidation disrupted the social and educational successes achieved so efficiently by the one-room schools by dissolving a cultural institution—the community school that was proven. It is my hope that scholars looking for answers to solve the present-day dilemma of a failing educational system revisit the techniques and traditions of the past when the one-room school was the center of the community. Surely, there’s knowledge to be gained from more than 150 years of success.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Pantry of Angels

The Pantry of Angels is currently located at the Presho United Methodist Church, 1727 Indian Hills Road, in Lindley.
  • The pantry's hours are 4 to 6 p.m. on the first and fourth Wednesday of the month.

The Pantry's goal is to make sure that everyone in the Town of Lindley has enough to eat and that no one goes hungry. The Pantry serves the residents of Lindley who have trouble providing food for themselves or their families. Those in need of food include:

  • People who are unemployed, or whose jobs don't pay enough to make ends meet.
  • People whose public assistance is not enough to feed them.
  • People receiving mental health services.
  • People who are homeless.
  • People in crisis.
  • Senior citizens.
  • and anyone else in Lindley who needs food.

The Pantry provides high quality food at no cost to their clients. Clients may have access to the full pantry twice a month. Pantry selections include, juices, vegetables, fruits, soups, crackers, pasta, cheeses, meats, cereals, macaroni and cheese, tuna, and meals in a can (Spaghetti-O's, ravioli, chili, stew etc.) The Pantry of Angels is a client choice pantry. To assure maximum use of the food, clients select items from each food category based on family size and likes.

The Pantry of Angels is a member agency with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. Pantry's are funded through donations and grants from federal, state and local governments as well as private organizations and individuals.

The Pantry of Angels welcome food, money donations and volunteers. If you have any questions on how to donate food items please leave a comment. An organizer of the Pantry of Angels will get back to you.

Note from Sal: Well done girls. Hunger does have a cure!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Have we gone mad or is it just me?

Here's a great site on "political correctness." Better take something to settle your nerves before you read it.

But you can say anything you like about Christianity.

Click on headline to read full story.

Death Notice

Thomas G. Bodnovich

Lindley: Thomas G. Bodnovich, 69, of Watson Creek Road died Saturday, Dec. 11, 2004 at home.

He was a pharmacist for 42 years, working in Cleveland, Wayland, Hornell, and Painted Post.

Survivors include his wife, Mary Bodnovich; two sons, Thomas G. Bodnovich Jr. of Newport, R.I., William Bodnovich of Chesapeake, Va.; two daughters Carrie Bodnovich of Virginia Beach, Va., Larisa Vikur of Simi Valley, Calif.; stepchildren, Jesse DeWane, Jeremiah DeWane, both of New Paltz, Tia Williams and Othello Doering, both of Miami, Fla.; a brother, William Bodnovich of Middleburg Heights, Ohio.

Calling hours are 4-7 p.m. Tuesday at Haughey Funeral Home, 216 E. First St., Corning. Services will be held there at the conclusion of calling hours at 7 p.m. Tuesday, the Rev. Gary Weaver and the Rev. William Gibson officiating.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

High Court Rules Nosy Mom Invaded Privacy

Seattle: In a victory for rebellious teenagers, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a mother violated Washington's privacy law by eavesdropping on her daughter's phone conversation.

Privacy advocates hailed the ruling, but the mother was unrepentant. "It's ridiculous! Kids have more rights than parents these days," said mom Carmen Dixon, 47. "My daughter was out of control, and that was the only way I could get information and keep track of her. I did it all the time."

The Supreme Court ruled that Dixon's testimony against a friend of her daughter should not have been admitted in court because it was based on the intercepted conversation. The justices unanimously ordered a new trial for Oliver Christensen, who had been convicted of second-degree robbery in part due to the mother's testimony.

Note from Sal: What's wrong with THIS picture? Your comments please.

Comments Getting Interesting

Check out the comments under the posted articles. They're getting real interesting. Keep them coming!

Friday, December 10, 2004

News Alert

Bad accident on Route 15....

Approximate time of accident: 6:30 p.m.

First report: Accident involved a semi truck and car in the "narrows on Route 15". Southbound traffic backed til Presho. Northbound traffic backed to state line.

We tried to get down to the accident scene, but semi's and cars were pulled off to the side of the highway as well as stopped in both lanes and we couldn't get through.

Second Report: The semi was traveling south when the driver of the northbound car lost control of the vehicle and crossed into the semi's lane. The Ontario trucker driver made a defensive move to avoid hitting the car head on. The semi struck the car on its side. Three people were in the car. Only one minor injury was reported.

Third Report: A fellow that was immediately behind the accident when it happened reported the semi-tractor truck crunched about a 100 feet of guardrail. He said that if the truck had broken through the guardrail, the big truck would have plunged into the river.

More news when it comes in along with any corrections to this report.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Ammon and Sylvia Titus

Originally uploaded by Sally Ann.
This is Ammon (seated at the table) and Sylvia Titus at their 50th Wedding Anniversay party at the Presho United Methodist Church.

Death Notice

Ammon L. Titus

Painted Post: Ammon L. Titus, 82, of 1483 Clendenning Creek Road, Painted Post, New York, entered into rest unexpectedly on Wednesday, December 7, 2004, at Corning Hospital, Corning, New York.

He was born in the Town of Lindley on October 5, 1922, a son of Lewis and Mable Woodcock Titus. He married the former Sylvia Smith on May 12, 1951 in Addison.

Ammon was a lifetime resident of the Town of Lindley where he was a dairy farmer and was an owner-operator of school buses and transported children for the Corning-Painted Post School District. He was at one time a milk tester for local dairies. He was a Golden Sheaf member of the Addison Grange, town councilman for the Town of Lindley for several terms, member of the Dairyman's League, Presho United Methodist Church. He enjoyed family and friends.

He is survived by his wife, Sylvia; two sons, Earl (Dawn) Titus of Painted Post and Neil (Sue) Titus of Addison; a sister, Ellen (Mrs. Daniel Bronson) of Painted Post; five grandchildren, Melissa, Eric, Cole, Cassie and Kari Titus; a great-granddaughter, Kiara; nieces and nephews.

Friends may call on Friday from 6-9 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. noon at the Flint Funeral Home, 10 Wall Street, Addison. Funeral service will be held there on Saturday at 12 p.m. noon with the Rev. Ronald Head officiating. Burial will be in Presho Cemetery.

Memorials may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Let Sister Keep Silence of Deed-An Exercise in Ethics

While I'm waiting for Lindley news to stream in, I'll be posting "items" that draw my attention and are worthy of discussion. I considered the following letter from Annie's mailbox, an advice column published in our local newspaper, to be such an item.

"Baby sis" wrote in her letter headlined, "Let sister keep silence of deed" to Annie's Mailbox:

Dear Annie: My oldest sister, "Deb," recently confessed to me that she was the one who turned my mother in for welfare fraud over 20 years ago. Mom was arrested and served time in jail. Our family was torn apart. My younger sister and I were sent away to live with an abusive aunt. Although I understand what Mom did was wrong, she did it only because Dad was an alcoholic and often kept money from Mom even if we children needed something.

Mom went to her grave believing it was her mother-in-law who turned her in. I want Deb to confess what she did to the whole family. Although it will not help Mom heal any wounds, it would help the rest of us make amends. The worst thing is, years later, Dad's second wife committed the same crime, and Deb never said a word.

I am ready to tell Deb that if she doesn't come clean, I will do it for her. Whatever happened to honor thy mother and thy father? Please help me.

Annie's response:

Dear Sis: How old was Deb when she did this? Don't you think she believed she was doing the right thing? If Deb confesses, will it really help "make amends," or will it simply be a way to punish her?

We understand that you are angry and want Deb to pay for making such a mess of your family, but try to forgive her. It's too late to change what happened, and you can be sure the deed has preyed on her mind all this time.

  • Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column.

The advice that Kathy and Marcy gave to "Baby sis" struck me as not being the best advice they could have given. In fact, I think it is mostly poor advice. Rather than state what advice I would have given, I'd like those who read this to post "comments", if you're so inclined, on whether you agree with "Annie's advice" and if not, comment why you disagree and state what different advice you would have given. Consider this an "exercise" in ethics.

After I've received a few comments, I will jump in and share my thoughts.

Kudos to Scott and Amy Drake

Kudos to Scott and Amy Drake for exercising their independence from DIRT sanction.

"DIRT, the sanctioning body of 27 member tracks and promoter at more than 40 race tracks from as far north as Canada to as far south as Florida, announced the implementation of several new rules for 2005, which will significantly increase operating costs for 358 Modified teams".

"We're not good followers. That's the way Woodhull has always been," said Scott Drake, who has owned the race track since 1998. DIRT's headed in the right direction, they're just moving too fast for us."

To read full story go to .......

To go directly to the Woodhull Raceway web site for more "racing" info click on

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Around Lindley Town-"What is a blog?"

Every so often, I'd haul out the old "Lindleytown Newsletters" and heave a great sigh. How well I kept Lindley informed of the news "Around Town". It was a sad day when I put the "printed" newsletter to bed, not only because Lindley lost its news source, but I lost contact with many of the great people here in town. In some ways, we all did.

Jimmy Lundgren filled the void for awhile until he ran into the same problems I did...printing any newsletter is prohibitive. I missed his writings as well, but I am happy to announce that Jim will be a contributor to this site. Look for his posts in the days to come.

During the past three years I would think about starting the newsletter again, only to stare at the numbers that were more in the red than in the black. It wasn't until recently that I discovered I could create an "interactive" blog for Lindley News. That's when my wheels started turning.

Most people aren't familiar with "blogging", but I'd been blogging on-line for years being the politcal junkie that I am. A blog is an on-line journal kept on a Web page. The term "blog" is short for Web log. The publisher of the blog, that would be me, "posts" news items and commentary usually on a daily basis. In some cases I will be "posting" events immediately after they have occurred. For instance: Remember that terrible car accident on Route 15 that killed those three kids from Buffalo? If I had this blog during that time, I would have posted the "news" of that awful event as it unfolded in "real time". So anyone who had the address of this site, could have logged on and read the news minutes after the event instead of waiting for it to be published in The Leader a day later.

One of the more interesting aspects of a blog, is its "interactive" capabilities. As you scroll through the blogs you will see a "comment link" at the bottom of each post. Anyone, literally from around the world, who goes to can read the posts and make comments or ask questions. You will notice that since I've started this blog a few people from around the country have left comments about what I have written. You will also notice that my articles are quite "pithy" as Bill O'Reily would say from Fox news. As Bill says, "The pithy-er the better". This type of commentary draws people in and makes the site more interactive. A blog is a tremendous tool to discuss issues and ideas.

It is my hope that the citizens of Lindley make comments often to stir up reader interest and to interact with town officials and Lindley news items. And of course, feel free to comment on "my opinion articles" that I post. Anyone who would like to post a comment, but feels uncomfortable with using their own name can comment "anonymously" or with a psuedonym to protect their identity. However, I will delete all comments I feel are unsuitable or offensive. I moniter the blog comments often to screen out offensive comments. Most people who blog sign their comments with their first name. That seems to work.

Anyone who wishes to post an item can e-mail me at Your news item or announcement will be posted immediately. And if you must make changes in your news item or announcement, leave a comment under your post with what you want changed or e-mail me.

Access to the blog is available to anyone for FREE. It is being supported by national ads provided to me by Google. Eventually, when I learn how to post local ads, I will sell advertising space to local businesses.

E-mail me with any questions you have. Good luck "surfing through" this "new" way of getting news out to Lindley citizens. Please note that this is a "work in progress" and will evolve as time goes by. I am very excited about this Red-StaterWisdoms blog and I hope you are too. Please...test the water and leave me a comment about what you think about this blog.

Sally Orr

Town Clerk

Dee Hill, Lindley Town Clerk

Lindley Town Clerk Hours:

Monday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. to Noon

Click on "comments/post comment" at the end of the Town Clerk Post to leave a message for Dee or ask a question. You may post comments anonymously or sign your first name only or your full name, whatever you feel comfortable with. You may even use a pseudonym, a pen name, when posting comments. When posting comments or asking questions, be respectful. All unsuitable comments will be blocked.
To view Dee's comments to your original post, click on "comments". Her response will be below yours.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Town of Lindley Board Meeting - November

Board Members: Harold Semple-Town Supervisor
Paul Stermer-Councilman
Ammon Titus-Councilman
Gerry Simcoe-Councilman
Paul Mortzheim-Councilman
David Edmister-Dog Control Officer
David Fuller-Code Enforcement Officer
Dick Johnson-Highway Superintendent

Approximately 16 people attending:

Harold Semple, Town Supervisor, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Harold Semple turned the meeting over to the Public Hearing at 7:05 p.m, which adjourned at 7:45 p.m. and returned to the Regular Meeting.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes read from 10/12/04.
Paul Stermer made a motion to accept minutes as read.
Seconded by Gerry. Ammon-yes, Paul S.-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M.-yes (adopted).

Code Enforcement Report: Dave has sent certified letters to Heffner and Wilson, with no luck, so now he will have the sheriff's department deliver tickets.
Harold suggested Dave work with Caton on this matter.
Alvin Schoonover: Try to have both cases in front of the same judge.
Brad Drake: What does a ticket do?
Dave said the fine is so much a week until it's paid or the place is cleaned up.

Mary Lentzen (Chairman of Planning Board): Bob Brown will be in to set a public hearing concerning his parking lot.
Greenshingles will have strippers on Wednesday nights, this is allowed as it is a form of entertainment. Mary checked with (town lawyer) Kent Woloson and he said the Greenshingles is with in its legal rights with their liquor contracts.

Questions and Comments from Audience:

Dick Pierce: Old Route 15 (which is Indian Hills Road) needs a Town of Lindley sign.
Jim Lundgren: Talked to Harold and the Town Board members concerning the matter of the payroll checks. Matter is settled and the elected officials will work together as a team.
Alvin Schoonover: Asked about the abandon house on River Road, people moved out, still listed as a resident. If the house is abandoned, they must board up the windows, plus keep up around the house. Wilson will be receiving three tickets.

Other business:
Dick must come up with the Highway agreement before the beginning of the new year. Dick presented the Town Board with a Road Work Report from October 12 thru November 8, 2004.

Harold told the Town Board that the annual retirment is going to be paid this year (2004), if you pay before the first of the year you save money.

Harold told Dick and the Town Board that the Chips Account is overdrawn by $8465.00. Harold ask for a motion to transfer the money.

Ammon made the motion to transfer the $8465.00. Seconded by Paul Stermer. Ammon-yes, Paul S.-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M.-no (adopted).

Also need to make a transfer to the election account.

Paul Mortzheim made the motion to transfer $915.00. Seconded by Gerry Simcoe. Ammon-yes, Paul S.-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M.-yes (adopted).

Also need to make a transfer to garage account to cover Hager Engineering, the Salt Shed plans.

Gerry Simcoe made the motion to transfer the amount of $3500.00. Seconded by Paul Mortzheim. Ammon-yes, Paul S.-yes, Gerry-yes, Paul M.- yes (adopted).

Harold is going to put money in Code Enforcer's contractual, as his computer bit the dust. Will do the transfer when Dave gets the new computer.

Have received a complaint on burning garbage on Presho School Road. Paul Mortzheim suggested they call Linda Smith (Health Officer).

Fran Woodring asked in the farming area-where could a person shoot a gun. State Law says you must be 500 feet from a resident.

Motion to pay bills.
Motion to adjourn.

Diana L. Hill
Lindley Town Clerk
1:30 p.m.

Town of Lindley Roadwork Report-Oct. 12 to Nov. 8

Work days: 19
Rain days: 16, total accumulation 2.61 inches
Short manpower: 5 days (vacation)

Continued grading, stone raking and rolling on Welty Hill Road. Also hauled sand to shop from Young's pit. Completed grading on Welty Road, also graded on Scott Road. Moved equipment to Swarthout Road, cleaned ditch and started grading same.

Removed tree obstruction from the creek on Watson Creek Road. Started working on electrical problems on equipment trailer. Repaired damaged cross pipe on Steamtown Creek Road and covered over with crushed gravel. Hauled crushed gravel to an erosion problem at pipe on upper Steamtown Creek Road. Completed repairing electrical problem on equipment trailer for inspection, as well as repairing light problem on 96, in addition steam cleaned 96 to remove salt. Backhoe cleared ditch obstructions on Steamtown Creek Road.

Repaired road erosion and straightened head wall at large cross pipe on Watson Creek Road, also added a length of sluice pipe to existing pipe to widen the road on upper Watson Creek Road. Also returned to ditching on Morgan Creek Road-slide area. Repaired stop sign on Stateline Road, in addition completed ditching slide area Morgan Creek Road and replaced two road sluice pipes on Jackson Road.

Hauled a load of creek run as well as one load crushed gravel to Jackson Road to repair road erosion, as well as did some ditching on Jackson Road. Took trailer together with the 96 GMC to Wayne Nash for inspection. Installed new residential sluice pipe and hauled two loads gravel on Davis Road. Ditched and cleaned several pipes on Davis Road as well as filled in cross pipe washout on same. Cut and removed tree on Swarthout Road, ditched on Griswold Road and ditched and cleaned out the ends of several pipes on Swarthout Road.

Hauled twenty-one loads bank run gravel to erosion spot on Toby Road in addition, ditched on Toby Road and repaired truck at shop and repaired a rough spot on Morgan Creek Road. Replaced sluice pipe on Steamtown Creek Road also hauled creek gravel from Presho for fill. In addition,started ditching Steamtown Creek Road. Graded bad spot on Stowel Road as well as slide spot on Watson Creek Road and hill on Steamtown Creek Road and hauled creek gravel for fill. Also, cold patched on Mulhullond Road and bad spot on Morgan Creek Road. Hauled approximately 207 yards screened gravel from Austins to Steamtown Creek Road to bridge over recently replaced pipes. Graded and rolled same spots. Hauled approximately an additional 216 yards screened gravel from Austins to Steamtown Creek Road to raise road in erosion spot, graded and rolled same.

Picked up deer carcass from car/deer MVA and buried it. Cleaned ditches with grader, picked up with backhoe and stone raked on Steamtown Creek Road. Installed two new sluice pipes on Steamtown Creek Road and hauled two loads creek gravel from Presho to pipe fill, in addition added ten feet of boiler shell on existing cross pipe to widen road on lower Steamtown Creek Road, also continued ditching the same.

Rolled newly graveled spots upper Steamtown Creek Road. Picked up another deer carcass from North Branch and buried. Hauled ditches out with grader and picked up with back hoe on lower Steamtown Creek Road, as well as graded rough spots, stone raked and rolled.

Worked on stone rake at shop. Removed damaged guard rails and post from twin bridges on Morgan Creek Road, started replacing damaged guard rails on Morgan Creek Road, also one truck assisted Erwin. In addition, worked on sander chain in shop. Completed repairs on stone rake, repaired lights on truck, checked and oiled sander chains on all trucks. In addition, cleaned out plugged sluice pipe at beaver pond on Ryers Creek Road, also removed tree that had fallen in road on Ryers Creek Road.

Completed guardrails on Morgan Creek Road. Hauled approximately 123 yards screened gravel from Austins to change road elevation at twin bridges on Morgan Creek Road. Graded over twin bridges and cleaned debris from behind guardrails with the backhoe. Picked up scrap from the job site on Morgan Creek Road and unloaded it at the shop.

Prayer Returned to Constitutional Convention

In the summer of 1787, representatives met in Philadelphia to write the Constitution of the United States. After they had struggled for several weeks and had made little or no progress, eighty-one-year-old Benjamin Franklin rose and addressed the troubled and disagreeing convention that was about to adjourn in confusion.

Franklin said, "In the beginning of the contest with Britain (The Revolutionary War), when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of superintending Providence in our favor...Have we not forgotten this powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?

"I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: that God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this...

"I therefore beg leave to move that henceforth, prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessing on our deliberation be held in this assemble every morning."

And that my friends, is exactly what happened. In their zeal to "secularize" our nation, Blue Staters completely ignore the history surrounding the founding of our country. Instead, they create their own version of American history so as not to "offend a minority".

Opposition to school-sponsored prayer is a bedrock principle for the American Civil Liiberties Union. As national board policy #81(a) states in part: "The ACLU believes that any program of religious indoctrination -- direct or indirect -- in the public schools or by use of public resources is a violation of the constitutional principle of separation of church and state and must be opposed."

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." With these words, the framers of the Constitution established one of the central principles of American government -- that religious liberty can flourish only when the state leaves religion alone.

Proponents of a school prayer amendment claim reintroducing prayer will check the country's" declining moral values." Some, like former Secretary of Education William Bennett blame the 1962 decision, Engel v. Vitale, banning official prayer from public schools, for everything from low SAT scores to high teenage pregnancy rates. But many educators and other experts tell us that these problems flow from the enormous and increasing gulf in wealth and opportunity and education, between the richest and poorest people in our society. A one-minute prayer or moment of silence in school everyday will do nothing to change that.

Declining moral values???? Have Blue Staters been living in a cave? In 1962, American teenagers were swooning to sugary rock and roll love songs like Brook Benton's hit song "Hold Me" with lyrics like "Hold me, Hold me, never let me go until you've told me, told me, Let me be the one that you adore" (or something like that). Flash forward and conjure an image of a day in the life of today's teenager and then with good conscience say....morals have not declined since they took prayer out of school!

The Blue Staters should do themselves an "educational favor" and count the number of current local, state and federally funded Social Service Programs that have been created since 1962 in order to "counter, prevent, stop the advance" of immoral and destructive behavior" by our teenagers.

The ACLU wants us to believe that this "bad behavior" is caused by "the enormous and increasing gulf in wealth and opportunity and education between the richest and poorest people in our society." The Far-Left-Blue Staters always manage to slip in their "distribution of wealth ideology" on most every issue don't they? Since when did poverty have anything to do with being immoral?... I think of Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Last I knew, Eminem is a millionaire ten times over and his moral compass points to Hell.

To be precise, being rich or poor has nothing to do with morality or does education and opportunity. A moral code is something you have or you don't. It travels with you for life, whether you're rich or poor, educated or not, and when opportunity knocks or it doesn't.

Benjamin Franklin saw the folly at the Constitutional Convention without prayer. Red Staters and Blue Staters have experienced the folly of prayer being removed from public schools. The only difference between us....the Blue Staters won't admit it.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Separation of Church and State

What luck… My local newspaper published a Letter to the Editor from which I can share Red-StaterWisdoms. The headline of the letter, “Religion, Politics a Dangerous Mix”, gave me a running start for today’s Red-StaterWisdoms blog.

She writes: In response to (another man’s letter), I want to say to him that I do not want your God in the government of the US. With that said, perhaps it is appropriate at this time of the year for all of us to remember why the Pilgrims came in the first place to these shores.

I recall from elementary history classes that the Pilgrims came here to flee religious persecution in Europe where King George, among others, was forcing them to believe in a particular set of religious credos.

No thanks. Our founding ancestors would be appalled at how (
This is where she loses it and slips into the cynical, misguided anti-Bush posture we Red Staters have come to know so well) “king” George Bush is trying to misuse the Constitution for his own political and financial gains based on his personal religious beliefs and the religious beliefs of those who funded his campaign.

Okay….that’s enough of her letter. She just digresses into more anti-Bush gibberish which I don’t want to type in.

I’ll start with her reference to the Pilgrims, only because a handful of Blue Staters wouldn’t allow teachers to make any reference to “God” while they taught the Thanksgiving story this past Thanksgiving Holiday. In other words, the students at that school came away from a lesson on Pilgrims without knowing the true story of Thanksgiving, because to do so would mean mentioning “Who” the Pilgrims gave thanks to.

This doesn’t strike me as being “secular”. This strikes me as being just plain “paranoid” and extreme in every sense of the word. Now let’s settle the matter once and for all.

One of George Washington’s early official acts was the first Thanksgiving Proclamation, which reads…“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly implore His protection and favor…..” It goes on to call the nation to thankfulness to Almighty God.

We celebrate this Proclamation on the third Thursday of November, and families who never pray during the rest of the year, give thanks through prayer on Thanksgiving Day. And for the next 150 years students were taught the Pilgrims thanked God for keeping them alive….until this year.

Now our female letter writer accuses George Bush of “misusing the Constitution for his own political and financial gains,” whatever that means. To read the Constitution as the charter for a secular state is to misread history, and to misread if radically. The Constitution was designed to perpetuate a Christian order. The Constitution was designed to separate church and state. Nowhere in the Constitution does is state a Christian God should be divorced from government.

Yet Blue Staters, with a lot of help from the ACLU, have been methodically “divorcing” God from the public square since prayer was banned from schools—which always makes me wonder why the Founding Fathers didn’t catch that Constitutional error. They must have known their own kids were “praying in school”. In fact, no one, not the Founding Fathers or any of the other million or so public officials caught the “error” for another 150 years. American kids kept praying in school….until prayer was banned in 1962. So when our letter writer states that “our Founding Fathers would be appalled at how our Constitution is misused”, you’ve got to shake your head in wonder, don’t you?

The Blue Stater’s argument about separation of church and state is weak and they know it. There are literally truckloads of primary source documents that prove our nation was founded on a commitment to God and the principles of His Word. Blue Staters have shuffled through a few quotes from Jefferson and Adams contemplating the issues surrounding SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE and thrown them on the table as their “proof” that a fire department in the Heartland of America can’t display a Christmas tree in the fire station.

More to come on this subject.