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Saturday, October 29, 2005

DEC "Doe Permit" Correction


In this morning’s Leader, (Saturday) I read that DEC is going to be issuing Archery Permits. It was supposed to read "Doe Permits".

The corrected announcement from The Leader:

“DEC acting commissioner Denise M. Sheehan today announced that approximately 19,000 Deer Management Permits (DMP) will be issued to hunters who were previously denied permits earlier this year during the DMP Instant Lottery. DEC randomly selected among applicants who were previously denied. DEC has completed the random selection and has begun to mail permits. About 8% of the hunters previously denied will receive a permit through this process. Applicants from the following WUMs were in this selections process:

3C, 3J,3M,4A,4C,4F,4G,4H,4L,4M,4S,5R,6A,6C,6K,6P,6S,

8S,8T,8W,8X,8Y,9J,9P,9R,9S,9T AND 9X. Hunters not selected for a DMP will not receive a mailing from DEC. Agents may receive inquires from the hunters as to whether or not they will be receiving one of these DMP’s. They should be encouraged to wait and see if they receive one in the mail, but any agents can look at customer’s DMP history screen to see if they were selected for a DMP during this process. The letters IBP will be in the description box and then it will state whether the customer was “Selected” or “Not Selected” for one of these DMPs under Draw results. If selected, they should receive their permits within two weeks.

First Come- First Serve for Doe Permits is Tuesday November 1st at any local Agency.”

Now you have the correct information.

Diana L. Hill
Lindley Town Clerk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Dee for the D.E.C. correction and doe permit info. Good Job.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dee- Have you heard the reason for the reduction in doe permits? I wondered if the increase in coyotes in our area has thinned deer herd more then anticipated.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DEC won't admit to coyotes. but I know for a fact that a deer was killed by my house by coyotes!
A neighbor had to shoot the deer, because the coyotes, ripped it apart.Also a mountain lion has been seen in Lindley, on Morgan Road. But they tell me people can not shoot them, The reason for the reduction in Doe permits,Marc, honesty I can't give you a good reason, because they say its because the deer population is down!

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear someone else spotted the mountain lion. Larry and son, Erik spotted the lion on the four-lane near the Presho exit about a week ago. They got a good look at it. Lar said it was small, but no doubt a lion. Can you imagine spotting a mountain lion in your headlights? I wonder if they are returning because there's so many deer to feed on, or they've been re-introduced to help keep the deer population down?

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DEC, told me that mountian lions are extinct, and they are not in this area!!I asked if a person was 100% it was a mountian lion could they shoot it, without getting into trouble. I was told again they are extinct, but if you saw it killing One of your animals, this is the only way you could shoot it, with out getting into trouble. But they must report it to DEC. (but the answer DEC gave me about the mountain Lion was it was a coyote with mange.)

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the areas for doe permits
1C, 3S, 4J, 8C

9:34 AM  

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