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Location: New York

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Answering The Call-Town Hall Presentation

Answering the Call 1861-1865

A program Answering the Call 1861 –1865 will be presented at the Lindley Town Hall at 7 P.M. on

May 18th by Doug and Terri Oakes. The presentation will discuss Lindley’s contribution to the American

Civil War, including how volunteers were recruited, the regiments they joined, and a display of uniforms

and equipment used by the soldiers. Many soldiers from Lindley served in Co. F of the 86th Regiment

which Doug and Terri are currently researching. The Oakes from Wellsburg have been presenting programs

on the Civil War for several years and have extensive knowledge about local participation. The public is

invited to hear how men from Lindley answered the call.

Names of men from Lindley and the Regiments in which they served will be available that evening.

For more information, contact Catherine Pierce Town of Lindley Historian at 523-8851.

Catherine M. Pierce
9755 Steamtown Road
Lindley, New York 14858


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