Talk with the Corning-PP School District
[The first exercise the core team participated in was to identify the current state of the district and compare that to the desired state of the district. As the core team reported from small-group discussions, themes started to develop.“We feel there's a lack of communication with the community,” one core team member said. “We need better, clearer communication to clear up misunderstandings among the community.”Other groups echoed the need for improved communication as a necessary component in healing the wounds that remain from battles over the district's facilities. They also saw communication as key to reversing the distrust of the school district among the community.]
Note from Sallyann: As I am a member of the Core Team formed to develop a “Master Plan” for the next five to 10 years, I am interested in opening a dialogue with Lindley citizens to better understand why there is a disconnect between the community and the Corning-PP School District. If you have any thoughts on this matter, please leave a comment. Any concern, opinion or overview will be helpful.
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